The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Review: Sinfest

If you want to learn a lot about cartooning, read Sinfest, and take notes. Sinfest is a webcomic that has been running forever and there isn't a turd in the bunch. The creator, Tatsuya Ishida, is an unsung or atleast under sung master.
The art is a tight cartoony look with a hint of Manga. Occationally the artist will flex his muscles and do a couple strips in a more rendered/realistic style and once a week or so he'll have an extended strip in color. These change ups in style are used for gags like "Sinfest Nights" the daytime soap version of the strip, and to convey emotion.
Tatsuya Ishida's writing has great dialog, clever word play, and perfect beats. You've heard the old saying about jokes 'timing is everything'; The beats is the equivalent of timing for cartooning. The punchline of every strip is set up masterfully. I read Sinfest and am amazed at how much can be done with four panels.
Not only do these four panels set up a gag they progress plot. Sometimes instead of a laugh the pay off is a warm fuzzy or an epiphany.

Before I send you over to dive in I will point out the often blasphemous nature of the comic. I'm an atheist so obviously the depiction of God as an immature goofball doesn't offend me. But I would like to believe that it wouldn't offend me if I did, well believe.
Through out the comic the devil tries to hurt God and ultimately looks foolish. God only retaliates when it would be funny. If there is a God this is the god I hope s/he is. Who want's a god that takes things too seriously?

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