The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, December 20, 2010

China attacks America's wallet

I've been concerned about our currency for a while. Some of you might have noticed when I ran for Congress I had the gold standard listed as one of my issues ( It started with me just liking the idea of being able to redeem cash for gold from Fort Knox. The system we have is where we basically write an IOU and then print up more money.
Recently the government has been printing more money and disguising it by calling it 'economic easing'. The media repeats this euphemism because the government spins the act as stimulus. With the new tax deal we can be sure the government will have to increase the debt ceiling (more IOUs) and print more money.
What isn't widely known is how much of our money is being used around the world. When you hear the price of a barrel of oil in dollars. It is literally traded in dollars. This means to trade resources countries all over the world have big stockpiles of US currency.
The problem with this is we are being set up for economic warfare. There are conspiracy theories that the REAL reason we went into Iraq was that Saddam was considering switching to The Euro. The idea is that if Iraq started trading the Euro it would cause a domino effect of oil rich countries switching over to The Euro, which would flood the world with US dollars, and dramatically decreasing the value of US currency. Whether it is true or not that Saddam intended to do just that, China and Russia have made the first step in that direction by discontinuing the use of the dollar in their trade with each other.
You've probably heard that China has a lot of the IOUs of our national debt. This gives them the combined power of being able to collect their debt and devalue our money. Considering their recent cyber-atacks on Google, I have no doubt that China is willing to use such unconventional tactics.

1 comment:

  1. Say what you will about DN! but they scooped GPS on china undermining US currency
