The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

ARMORsWARmS part 1 of 3

I'm going to start putting Sketches up on Saturdays starting with this series I call ARMORsWARmS. This series is me at my geekiest. In the Iron Man comics there was a miniseries called ARMOR WARS, where Tony Stark finds out his technology was stolen and different supervillains are using the technology to upgrade their tech. The idea of ARMORsWARmS is if this happened to Abe Jenkins AKA The Beetle.
That isn't even the dorkiest part. In addition to being a comic dork, I am a zoology nerd, and hence each of these armors will be based on a different Beetle.
On the LEFT
This is a study of Mark Bagley's take on the Beetle. Bagley used to make technical drawings for the military, so I wanted to try to draw his design before attempting my own.
On the RIGHT
This is the first idea I had. The Rhino is a popular Spider-Man villain who was part of The Beetle's Sinister Syndicate. The Rhino's power is to break things by ramming them with his head. Because the design on the left is so bulky I decided to base the rhinoceros beetle armor on it, adding a rhinoceros beetle horn, and changing the chest plate to keep it from being a repaint. If you look closely you can see I added some mandibles though I can't imagine them having any practical applications.

On the LEFT
 This armor is based on the tiger beetle, which is one of the fastest runners in the insect kingdom. The design is based on elements from The Beetle's superhero alias MACH 2. I did spend some time thinking about the tech on these drawings. The Beetles main technical achievement is that he created a super material that made his wings work, for a speedster the material would be used in the armor's joints.
On the RIGHT
The golith beetle is a big bug. There was also a Golith villan who was on the Masters of Evil and The Thunderbolts with Jenkins. The armor design is basically a bulked up version of the original Beetle, except the body is covered in expanding plates to accommodate the growing powers of the wearer. the the wings and mask can somehow grow too.

To be continued next week when I post four more...

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