The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Freak Angels review

Freak Angels doesn't need me to shed light on it. If anything I'll get more traffic from it than it'll ever get from this review. But there is something interesting going on here. Yes Freak Angels is good. Okay awesome. Whatever. What is interesting is how the comic is released.
Most webcartoonist release a page a day as many days a week as the creative team can handle. Freak Angels releases six pages a week but they are all collected as a weekly six page digest. This approach fixes a problem with other webcomics: Unless you are creating a gag-a-day comic you are going to create some awkward beats in the story. It happens all the time. There is a key piece of information the reader needs for later but until those pages are added the reader has to wait for that page to make sense. Or the faithful reader who checks the comic every morning just to get a comic that ends mid-conversation/explanation, leaving them to wait for the next day or week to get a complete idea. 

Web-Comic Review
Title: Freak Angels
Creator(s): Warren Ellis, Paul Duffield, Kate Brown, Alana Yuen

very detailed clean appearently freehand draftsmanship. As wonderful as the drawing is the color/fx team really makes the book eye candy.

The story telling is always clear and makes good use of breaking borders and occasionally abandoning panels all together.

Warren Ellis is the master of taking advantage of format. Unlike most of us who experiment with format, Ellis never loses sight of telling a good story. Each week we get a satisfying chunk of story that leaves you just hungry enough to come back for more the next week.

While attending the American Academy of Art a teacher (who no longer works there) told me that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. This was his way of telling me I should drop out and focus on writing (or anything other than art).
While the teacher's advice is true in my case, and there are many many exceptions out there, Freak Angels is the 'studio' system at it's best. Creative people who are specialized in their talents and working well together.
Freak Angels is put out by a print comic book company so the pages are formatted for the graphic novel but the story is for the most part seamless though I know they are keeping the printed in mind.

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