The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Can't spell Bush without BS

Remember a few months ago there were those billboards that said "Embarrassed yet?" and had a picture of Obama?
The recent media blitz of Bush's new book got me thinking about it because I'm not hearing too many Republicans throw Bush under the bus the way Democrats are supposed to throw Obama under there. So I thought I'd make a list of reasons I still hate Bush:

10) The 2000 election was probably stolen by Bush's people. That's my opinion. What is a fact is that in 2004 Bush's people tampered with the vote. They were bragging about it in emails that they accidentally sent to the wrong account (unfortunately for them the wrong account was a progressive journalist)

9) Bush got all offended by Kanye West saying "Bush doesn't care about black people" even though his cronies were putting up signs in black neighborhoods telling people to vote on the wrong day, making several common black names flagged as fraudulent for everyone with that name, and falsely reporting other voters registration as expired. I don't think Bush is a racist but I think it's fare to say he doesn't care about black people.

8) Bush is a fake cowboy. A lot of things Bush did I can explain away as him being an idiot. But he knows he's not a cowboy. That ranch in Crawford he was always clearing brush at was just a prop that he sold the second he was out of office he moved back into the city.

7) He gets credit for the surge working. The surge didn't work. Finally listening to the Generals, who literally wrote the book on counter insurgency, worked . The surge was a way for Bush to save face in a colossal fuck up.

6) He somehow doesn't get the blame for TARP AKA The Bailout.

5) The Bailout AKA TARP is just another example of how the Bush administration had no problem giving welfare to corporations but complains about money to people.70% of the foreclosures that caused the bailout could have been resolved if the banks would have renegotiated the rates.

4) That weaselly laugh.

3) The world isn't better without Saddam. It would have been if he was bumped off without killing several hundred thousand of his subjects. Also Bush is obviously not mature enough to grasp his impact on the world. He actually expected us to be greeted as liberators when we'd been using UN resolutions to bomb civilian water treatment plants since his father was in office. Which I'm sure contributed to the water born infections many of our troops got when over there.

2) Somehow attacks on American soldiers do not count as attacks on America. Bush justifies all the shady things he did in the name of national defense by siting there hasn't been another attack since 9/11. I hate the whole "we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here". To me it implies that the life of a soldier is worth less than that of any other citizen. We were unlikely to get attacked again without giving up our rights and invading foreign countries. There hasn't been another attack because these terrorist are mostly boobs who can't make a decent shoe bomb. They got lucky on 9/11, get over it.

1) At best Bush is exceptionally gifted at self deception. At worst he's a liar. Recent example is in the new Lauer interview Bush says he had no doubts about the intelligence for WMDs in Iraq. But in Bob Woodward's book (which sourced over seventy White House staffers) Bush seemed pretty skeptical. I could forgive Bush if he just didn't know but Bush refuses to know.

If you are a die hard Republican I will try to make this up to you by doing one about Obama. He hasn't been in office eight years so there isn't quite so much venom in me for him quite yet.

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