The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Right to Life Questionnaire


Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy due to U.S. Supreme Court rulings. lt ls possible in coming years
to foresee a reversal of these anti life decisions. lf Roe versus Wade is reversed, abortion laws'most
likely will be determined by state legislatures, state courts, or by voter initiatives or referenda.
1. If Roe v. Wade is reversed, I would VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT abortion:

A) under all circumstances
B) except to save the mother's life
C) except in cases of rape or incest
D) none of the above


2. Would you VOTE FOR legislation that PROHIBITS state funding of agencies or
organizations that perform, Promote, or refer womm for abortions that are not a
medical emergency?
 No (depends)

3. Would you VOTE AGAINST state ratification of the fecleral Equal Rights Amendment,
when similar wording in state constitutions has resulted in requiring state funding of


4. Would you VOTE FOR legislation requiring abortion providers to inform patients of
scientific evidence that unborn children experience pain during abortion?


5' Would you VOTE FOR legislation that gives legal protection and recourse to a woman
who is coerced into having an abortion against her will, even if by a parent ot guardian?


Abortion _ advocates are pressuring states and health care professionats to distribute abortion-causing
drugs. This is evident in the debate over the so-called "morning after pill", which has the chemical abilit!
to cause the death of a new human embryo. These drugs are often referred to as ,,emergency
contraception," although they can end life AFTER conception has occurred.

There is an effort to provide these chemical abortifacients through the internet and on line, so-called tele-
med abortions.

Despite objections from medical professionals, employers, and trade groups, some officiats are fbrcing
pharmacists and others to violate their own ethical views on abortion by requiring them to prescrib;
abortion-causing drugs.
6. Would you VOTE FOR legislation to ban so-called tele-med abortions?


7. Would you VOTE FOR legislation protecting health-care professionals who refuse to
prescribe or dispense drugs that cause abortion suicide, or other destruction of life from
discrimination or legal liability (that is, a "conscience clause")?



Human cloning is currently legal in Missourir guaranteed in the state constitution by Amendment 2 of
2006. The most common cloning technique in animals is "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer" or SCNT.
Some researchers plan to use SCNT to clone human beings in order to harvest Embryonic Stem Cells
(ESC's). Harvesting embryonic stem cells destroys a living human being.

Legislators have undergone tremendous pressure from party leadership and outside forces to fund
embryonic stem cell research and cloning.

8) If the Missouri Constitution is amended to a1low restrictions human clones. I would VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT:

 A) All human cloning, both reproductive and therapeutic, including the method
known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, or SCNT
B)Only implanting a clonedl embryo into a womb (whether a uterus or an artificial
"womb") to grow beyond the embryonic stage of development, also known as
reproductive cloning
C)Neither of the above


9. A. Would you SUPPORT an amendment to the Missouri,Constitution that would either
forbid human cloning or woulcl allow the General Assembly to forbid human
cloning? (For the purpose of this question, "human cloning" inclucles cloning by the
method known as "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (SCNT).)


B. Would you OPPOSE such an amendment?

Please comment on your answer to questions 8&9
Science isn't unnatural, it makes nature observable. I am willing to gamble the lives of single celled organisms for the potential pay off of curing all diseases/ailments/injuries/disabilities

10. Would you VOTE AGAINST appropriations and other bills that offer public funding
or tax incentives (or both) that promote, encourage or accommodate human cloning
(SCNT) or destructive research on livinghu:nan embryos or fetuses?

11. Would you VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT combining human genetic material
with animal genetic materials to create human / animal hybrids.

12. Would you SUPPORT an amendment to the Missouri Constitution that would allow
the General Assembly to refuse to provide state funds and state benefits (e.g., tax
credits) to firms and institutions that engage in human cloning?

Please comment on your answer to questions 10-12: 
I'm generally against using tax money for things like this but generally these appropriations are tied to things I would support


The Terri Schindler-schiavo case highlighted the confusing maze of laws concerning euthanasia and the
ethi^f of withholding food and water from disabled patients. Health care professi-onals, ethics boards
and facilities have loose guidelines to follow in many cases where laws are not specific.

If an incapacitated person has no recorded documentation of his or her wishes, he or she may be subject
to involuntary starvation and dehydration.

13. Would you VOTE FOR legislation prohibiting a health care piovider to purposely
assist in or hastery the death of a patient?
14, Would you VOTE FOR legislation prohibiti.g a health care provider to remove or
withhold ordinary means of sustaining life (food, water, sanitary, care) without a
patient's specific prior written directive (consent)?


I don't believe in burdening the state or families with the expense of maintaining a person without a chance of regaining any quality of life.

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