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Thursday, May 10, 2012
NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri
Again yes or no questions suck. So I don't provide explanations for what answers I chose because on the actual questionnaire sent in I wasn't given the option. I much prefer the Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree method. Though it still has the problem of not allowing for nuance. For example I don't support state sponsored abortion but I also don't support cutting funding to clinics that help out low income because they might provide an abortion (or a referral there).
Also I don't have a problem with the use of my tax dollars to provide an abortion but I support my grandfather in not wanting his tax dollar in providing abortions. Also my scanner found the font the questionnaire used as funky so don't hold the many typos against them
The United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade ruled that the right lo privacy includes a pregnant woman's right to choose to have an abortion, Accordingly, a state: (1) may not unduly restrict a woman's access to abortion during the first three months of pregnancy; (2) may regulate abortion after the first three months of pregnancy to Protect a woman's health; and (3) may ban abortion after fetal viability (usually after 26-28 weeks of pregnancy)
so long as exceptions are permitted to protect a woman's life or health (with, the exception of one procedure that is federally banned).
1. Do you support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion?
2. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, would you vote for legislation guaranteeing a woman's right
to choose to have a legal abortion in Missouri?
Under current Missouri law, no publicly funded facility may be used to perform an abortion unless it is to preserve a woman's life. No state employee may participate in providing an abortion not necessary to save a woman's life, and state-funded medial schools cannot teach students abortion procedures. A woman eligible for state medical assistance may not obtain public funds for an abortion unless the abortion is necessary to preserve her life, Finally under the so-called Gag Rule, state-employed councilors and physicians cannot provide a pregnant woman with, information about abortion or abortion providers unless necessary to preserve her life.
3. Do you support the current ban on the use of state facilities and employees for performing
or teaching abortions?
both yes and no
4. Do you support the current ban on public funding of abortions?
both yes and no
If you answered yes, should there be an exception for cases of rape and incest?
yes (on this one I wrote in that I originally marked it no because the doctor doesn't need the reason Roe v Wade was in part a ruling on privacy the state shouldn't be trying to undermine privacy)
Do you support the Gag Rule that bans state employees from providing a woman with
information about abortion, including referrals to abortion providers?
Under current Missouri law, a woman must make at least two separate visits to a physician and wait at least 24hours before obtaining an abortion. Physicians must also provide the woman with state-mandated information and counseling. In addition, this law is so extreme that it has no exception for victims of rape or incest.
Do you suppoft the law requiring a mandatory delay of 24 hours?
Would you vote to repeal that part of the law requiring physicians to provide
state-mandated information and counseling?
The Missouri General Assembly has eliminated all state funding for family planning including funding for cancer screenings, gynecological exams, HIV testing, pre-natal care, diabetes screening and breast exams, as well as funding for birth control services and education. Many low-income women now have no access to these Services,
Would you vote to include funding for family planning in the state appropriations bill?
Would you vote to give this family-planning funding to facilities that refer women to abortion
providers, or preform abortions, so long as none of the funding is used for those purposes?
The Missouri General Assembly is currently considering bills that would make it more difficult for women to acess all forms of contraception and also abortion care, on grounds that hospitals, HMOs, insurers, and other corporations have "conscience" rights.
Would you vote for a bill requiring pharmacies to fill physicians'prescriptions,
including prescriptions for oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraception?
Both Yes and No
Would you vote for a bill requiring pharmacies that do not stock contraceptives
to either order contraceptives or refer patients to another local pharmacy?
Would you vote for a bill requiring hospitals to offer emergenry contraception to rape
survivors in the emergency room?
Would you vote against bills that would allow corporations to refuse treatment, including
emergency life-saving abortion care, to their patients based on their "conscience" rights?
Both yes and no
A law passed by the General Assembly in 2OO7 permits school districts to offer abstinence-only sex education rather than comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education. The law passed even though studies show that abstinence-only prograrns can result in more teen pregnancies and increased rates of sexually transmitted deseases. In addition, the General Assembly has repeatedly considered bills that would deny minors access to contraception without the consent of a parent These bills would do nothing to prevent young people from becoming sexually active, but they would prevent minors from protecting themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.
14. Would you vote for a bill requiring public schools to provide age-appropriate information
about the health benefits and side effects of all forms of contraception?
15. Would you vote against a bill requiring minors to obtain the consent of a parent before
receivi ng contraception?
Current Missouri law mandates that minors obtain the consent of a parent before choosing abortion. If a minor cannot obtain parental consent, she must obtain a "judicial bypass" where by a judge allows the minor to choose abortion if she is sufficiently mature. Judicial bypass predures are not a rcalistic alternavve for some young women; moreover, our research reveals that the entire bypass process in Missouri is broken. Missouri law also imposes civil liability on adults who help minor obtain abortions outside of Missouri. These laws endanger the young women who-for god reason---choose not to involve a parent in their decision to have an abortion. the government cannot mandate healthy family communication where it does not already exist
16. Do you support the current law that bans minors from choosing abortion unless they
Have obtained parental consent or an onerous judicial bypass?
17. Do you suppoft the current law that imposes civil liability on anyone trying to help a
minor obtain an abortion outside of Missouri?
The Missouri General Assembly has repeatedly enacted measures that subject abortion providers to more onerous regalations than other health care facilities. These measures are known as Targoted Retalation of Abortion providers (TRAP) laws. Future TRAP bills will likely subject physicians who perform abortions to malpractice liability for activity, speech, or procedures that are, in the physician's judgement, medically necessary,
18. vote against TRAP measures that subject physicians who perform aboftions ,,- -)
to disparate treatment, intefering with the physician's best medica! judgment?
19. Do you want the endorser.nent of NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri?
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