The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ProMo Questionnaire

1. Do you support or oppose adding sexual orientation and gender identity/expression to
Missouri's Human Rights Statute? This would prohibit discrimination in housing, employment
and access to public accommodations (The Missouri Nondiscrimination Act - MONA).
Support - If elected I will support MONA

2. Do you support or oppose legislation requiring that every school district in Missouri adopt a
policy to curb bullying based on enumerated categories including sexual orientation and gender
identity/expression (Safe Schools Act)?
Support (I would have checked the "if elected I will support the Safe Schools Act but my high school used it in a way it wasn't intended to be used)

3. Some states have extended all or nearly all of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples under state law( visitation, mutual responsibiliy for debt, inheritance rights, health insurance, and joint taxes). Do you support similar laws in Missouri?
I don't think anyone should be married by the government. Civil unions for all!

4. Do you support or oppose extending domestic partner benefits to state employees?
*I didn't put this on the form before I faxed it off but I don't like that married people have a benefit that single people don't get. A single state trooper should be able to make an elderly parent or a nephew as his/her beneficiary.

5. Do you support or oppose the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents to
have legal custody of their children?

6. Do you support or oppose sexual orientation or gender identity being making decisions about the 'fitness' of a parent in a factor for judges or custody or adoption?

7. Currently only two married people can jointly adopt, leaving children of lesbian, gay, bisexual
or transgender parents to have a legal relationship with only one parent. Do you support or
oppose making second-parent adoptions more accessible to two unmarried parents/guardians
in a committed relationship?

8. Do you support or oppose legislation that would ensure youth in the juvenile justice or foster
care system are protected from discrimination and bias harassment based on sexual orienTation
or gender'identity and expression?

9. PROMO believes that all Missourians should have access to a full range of family planning
services and reproductive options. Do you support or oppose access to family planning
services and programs?

10. Do you support or oppose teaching comprehensive sex education in public schools?

1 1. Please describe any involvement you have had with the LGBT community.
I probably interact with members of the LGBT community as much as I do the straight community

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