The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The curious case of Barack Obama

There are many odd things about the gap between the way Obama governs and the way he speaks. Before he took office there was some speculation as to the type of people he would appoint to his cabinet. Obama was a community organizer and would probably bring other organizers with him to Washington. Would he give Cornell West a cabinet position?
But you'd think Hillary Clinton won the election by looking at the cabinet of the current administration. The Obama administration is to the Clinton administration as the Bush Sr. administration is to Bush Jr. DeJaVu you can believe in.
Perhaps, if the speculation was right that different voices would be in the White House, things would be different in DC. Perhaps Republicans would have acted differently if they thought the other side would be different.
The reason I think the more we elected change the more things stayed the same is because Obama choked. Instead taking up the challenge with fresh eyes, he deferred to the old guard.

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