The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Colbert tips his hand

Satirist Steven Colbert has put a mirror up to our political system by creating a fundraising legal entity called Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow ("ABTT").
But what now?
I'm willing to now speculate that Colbert will be targeting Republican politicians with unflattering ads endorsing them. It will be like his 'better know a district' but more scathing than silly. For example if ABTT were to endorse Billy Long the ads would focus on how much work Mr. Long put in his single greatest legislative accomplishment- introducing an auctioneer recognizing holiday.
If I am correct Long will be testing the theory that there is 'no such thing as bad publicity'. I welcome Colbert's boldness though I see it ultimately blowing up in his face.
Any candidate that manages to be re-elected while Colbert thumbs his nose at them, will become Colbert's fault in the same way Nader is blamed for Bush v. Gore. The reason Colbert will be blamed is because Republicans are going to respond to the ads by saying it is a 'liberal attack'. Fox News already treats Colbert (and more so Stewart) as competing interest instead of comedy. The right will use this trend to paint Colbert with the 'libeal media' meme until he is completely saturated with it by the talking heads.
In other words when it blows up in Colbert's face it will be because the Democrats will make it gospel. If they (er I mean we) trivialize and simultaneously endorse Colbert's ads they will become an asset.  What do I mean by trivialize and simultaneously endorse? Easy when asked about Colbert's ads the response should be:
1) point out that Colbert is a comedian not associated with any campaign
2) chuckle
3) add that he raises some good questions (assuming he has).

It's that easy, but I worry that my party won't be able to pull it off.

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