I was just reading the statement made by St Louis Congressmen Akin "At the heart of liberalism, it really is a hatred for God and the belief that government should replace God," and his half assed puedo-apology “My statement during my radio interview was directed at the political movement, Liberalism not at any specific individual. If my statement gave a different impression, I offer my apologies.”
His actual statement I don't have too much to say about other than someone should give Akin a history lesson. When the shoe was on the other foot and Christians were the minority, their government fed them to the lions. If I were a Christian that would sway me to try to keep church and state separate.
My problem is the whole "if my statement" part. Obviously if he is being called on to apologize- he offended someone. Own it. If you said something that offends people but you still believe it's true, don't obfuscate it, explain it.
Akin should have just explained what ever it is he meant and then say "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings".
When one does not explain why they said something it leaves no room to debunk them. I suspect that is exactly why he issued this lackluster apology instead of actually defending himself.
One other thing I should throw out there so no one thinks I am hiding it. I am an atheist. This does not mean I hate God any more than Christians hate any of the Hindu gods. I don't want your god in our government because many people (like this phoney apology) use faith as an excuse not to explain their rationale. They use faith as a way to make the opinions of others indefensible.
Faith is supposed to be about an individuals relationship with their god(s) or lack there of. It isn't about being used as a weapon against others. And if I were a Christian I would think I would be offended at someone like Akin presuming to speak on my behalf.
Excellent Post!
ReplyDeleteCody Hayes