The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I have updated two sections of my political site. The first is the Farms section. I cropped the little bit where I made fun of Republicans for wearing cowboy hats and Democrats for rolling up their sleeves. I took this out because the way the joke was written it said "if i was a democrat" and I didn't want to confuse people about whether I decided what party to go into or not. Also the joke just never worked. Never happy with it

The second revision is to the gun control section. The art is nearly identical I just changed the wording. Before I was concerned with protecting the Second Amendment and wasn't thinking about bazookas and inner city crime. The new version makes it a little clearer that I am open to certification but not bans on weapons.

I have made some edits to the issues page as well. Last time around I said I was against taxpayer money being spent on abortions. I took that off because in the current debate that implies I want to de-fund Planned Parenthood. I also changed my tax position description. I still like the idea of a consumption tax but my main concern is a simplification of tax code.
One of the problems with my candidacy is that I have ambitions that far exceed my office. As a member of congress I will only be able to nudge my agenda in the right direction. That is why I now have an issues and a vision section of the site. Issues will describe what I will work on in my first term or two and Vision will describe where I hope to see the country in the coming decades...

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