The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, January 10, 2011

believe it or not it's no ones fault

Should Sarah Palin apologize for putting crazy fuel out there with that graphic of a crosshairs on Gifford's district? No. It might be nice if this tragedy inspires her to tone down the rhetoric,but we shouldn't be holding her accountable for something that was inevitable.
Palin and her ilk are only as much to blame for the attack in in Arizona on Rep. Gifford as rap music, video games, and pornography are to blame for Virginia Tech and Columbine- not at all. Some people are just crazy and sheltering them from rhetoric and shocking entertainment will not diminish that. I spent an hour reading as much of his writings as I could and see no evidence that he is coherent in any real way. This act was not a logical conclusion to the hateful language in our politics. This was an illogical conclusion of a madman. If it wasn't political, it would have been a pop star event or in the halls of his community college.
The violent outburst in Tucson may be a reflection of our rhetoric but it isn't a symptom.

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