The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sanders Philo-buster

For 8.5 hours Bernie Sanders took the floor of the Senate. He didn't read the phone book or a cook book, it was a comprehensive explanation of what he sees as wrong with the tax bill. This wasn't just a speak-a-thon it was a philo-buster.
We are conditioned to believe that the difference between the right and the left is solutions, when most of it is problems. The reason I joined the Progressive party over, the Libertarian party is that right leaning people tend not to be concerned with issues that concern me. Though I will say that right leaning people are more likely to act when they do acknowledge a problem. For instance I don't think many registered Republicans want to admit how many poor we have in this country, but the ones who do, will actually go down to the soup kitchen or get their church to do a fundraiser.
Though I suspect Senator Sanders and I have a lot of differences on solutions but judging by this philo-buster and other appearances I think we agree on the problems.  And it is refreshing to hear someone point out these problems in a way that isn't radical.  It isn't radical to say the deficit is too big. It isn't radical to say we shouldn't pay GE to ship jobs overseas. It isn't radical to say 'the greatest country in the world' shouldn't have 'the most children living in poverty of any industrial nation'.

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