Part comic geek part news junkie. The Political Cartoonist is the place to read the opinions of the increasingly notable Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf. As well as find out about the latest content to his art and political site
The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.
Friday, December 31, 2010
While trying to retrieve data from an old harddrive I screwed up my computer. Every day I thought I was going to have it fixed I ran into another problem. Until I get all the problems resolved, posting will be somewhat sporatic
Monday, December 27, 2010
Applying pressure to stop the bleeding
With Obama getting a lot of good press lately for passing START, 9/11 responders and DADT, and complaints about him not passing the DREAM act, I decided to take a look at the DREAM act. I can see why this didn't get passed. It isn't just Republican obstruction for the sake of obstruction.
The DREAM act is a great example of the Left being unreasonable. Maybe I'm reading into this too much but I'll explain my logic.
The premise of the DREAM act is reasonable. Supporters will say "We shouldn't have policy that punishes children for the acts of their parents". Many of the supporters don't think the parents should be punished either in the case of immigration, so that sounds like a fair compromise. The condescendingly stubborn comes from the idea that 15 years and 364 days is considered a child in this instance.
The drafters of the DREAM Act knew that they couldn't get away with saying that someone who moved to America is all they know when they moved here a week before their 18th birthday. To make it a bill to help those who truly know nothing of the country they were born in (barely speak their native language); the drafters of the DREAM act made the threshold 16.
Sixteen is not a child in this context. A sixteen year old is old enough to decide not to cross the border and stay with aunts/uncles/grandparents. A sixteen year old knows the language of their native country. And a sixteen year old doesn't deserve any special privileges because they managed to stick around for five years without being caught.
My progressive readers may now be saying "that doesn't sound progressive". No, it just doesn't sound liberal. I care about progress. The DREAM act will not progress the debate and it won't progress the well being of the people.
It will not progress the debate because Democrats don't/won't understand the true meaning of compromise. If the idea of the DREAM act is to help those who are here through no fault of their own and can not thrive in their own country- then lower the age to something reasonable. Start at, say 10, and when a Republican says no make them answer how young should it be lowered to. This will shift the debate from being for or against to "how young".
The DREAM act will not progress the well being of 'the people' for two reasons. First it will never pass as is. Second the DREAM act ill not actually accomplish anything. The DREAM act is designed to ease the difficulty of the lives of young people. There is a conservative argument that it will be at the expense of people here 'supposed' to be here. But I have a philosophical reason for saying the dream act will not accomplish anything.
Difficulty is not something we should seek to abolish. The repeal of DADT and passing START did not happen because Obama is a good politician. They happened because he has been having difficulty with his base when he expected to be treated as if he could do no wrong (the way Bush's supporters acted).
Apply some Joseph Campbell to your world view to see where I'm going with this. In any good story, the hero reaches greatness because of what s/he overcame. Not despite it.
It is time we put our bleeding hearts away and ask: "what is suffering and what is difficulty?" Suffering we should absolutely do something about (there is a libertarian argument to make on how but I won't go into that right now) But difficulty is not something should be concerning ourselves with.
Heroes are born of difficulty. That is why I believe that returning children here illegally to nations that seem alien to them would be ultimately a good thing. They would go to these countries and see something is amiss (or if there isn't I don't really feel bad for them). And drawing on the spirit of the founding fathers and Martin Luther King, they can bring what is good in America to the rest of the world.
America didn't become what it is from complacency or trust in the government- it came from the people fighting those who oppress them.
This shouldn't be taken to an extreme. If someone is a refuge from their country, then that is the time for compassion. That is why I make the distinction between difficulty and strife.
What would it take to get me to support the DREAM act? The age would have to be lowered to something like four. And some other provisions I haven't worked out in my head yet. Basically I'd consider making it so people who grew up here won't have it used against them in applying for citizenship after they've been deported.
The DREAM act is a great example of the Left being unreasonable. Maybe I'm reading into this too much but I'll explain my logic.
The premise of the DREAM act is reasonable. Supporters will say "We shouldn't have policy that punishes children for the acts of their parents". Many of the supporters don't think the parents should be punished either in the case of immigration, so that sounds like a fair compromise. The condescendingly stubborn comes from the idea that 15 years and 364 days is considered a child in this instance.
The drafters of the DREAM Act knew that they couldn't get away with saying that someone who moved to America is all they know when they moved here a week before their 18th birthday. To make it a bill to help those who truly know nothing of the country they were born in (barely speak their native language); the drafters of the DREAM act made the threshold 16.
Sixteen is not a child in this context. A sixteen year old is old enough to decide not to cross the border and stay with aunts/uncles/grandparents. A sixteen year old knows the language of their native country. And a sixteen year old doesn't deserve any special privileges because they managed to stick around for five years without being caught.
My progressive readers may now be saying "that doesn't sound progressive". No, it just doesn't sound liberal. I care about progress. The DREAM act will not progress the debate and it won't progress the well being of the people.
It will not progress the debate because Democrats don't/won't understand the true meaning of compromise. If the idea of the DREAM act is to help those who are here through no fault of their own and can not thrive in their own country- then lower the age to something reasonable. Start at, say 10, and when a Republican says no make them answer how young should it be lowered to. This will shift the debate from being for or against to "how young".
The DREAM act will not progress the well being of 'the people' for two reasons. First it will never pass as is. Second the DREAM act ill not actually accomplish anything. The DREAM act is designed to ease the difficulty of the lives of young people. There is a conservative argument that it will be at the expense of people here 'supposed' to be here. But I have a philosophical reason for saying the dream act will not accomplish anything.
Difficulty is not something we should seek to abolish. The repeal of DADT and passing START did not happen because Obama is a good politician. They happened because he has been having difficulty with his base when he expected to be treated as if he could do no wrong (the way Bush's supporters acted).
Apply some Joseph Campbell to your world view to see where I'm going with this. In any good story, the hero reaches greatness because of what s/he overcame. Not despite it.
It is time we put our bleeding hearts away and ask: "what is suffering and what is difficulty?" Suffering we should absolutely do something about (there is a libertarian argument to make on how but I won't go into that right now) But difficulty is not something should be concerning ourselves with.
Heroes are born of difficulty. That is why I believe that returning children here illegally to nations that seem alien to them would be ultimately a good thing. They would go to these countries and see something is amiss (or if there isn't I don't really feel bad for them). And drawing on the spirit of the founding fathers and Martin Luther King, they can bring what is good in America to the rest of the world.
America didn't become what it is from complacency or trust in the government- it came from the people fighting those who oppress them.
This shouldn't be taken to an extreme. If someone is a refuge from their country, then that is the time for compassion. That is why I make the distinction between difficulty and strife.
What would it take to get me to support the DREAM act? The age would have to be lowered to something like four. And some other provisions I haven't worked out in my head yet. Basically I'd consider making it so people who grew up here won't have it used against them in applying for citizenship after they've been deported.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
ARMORsWARmS part 3 of 3
I have more Beetles in mind but these were the last three I drew before I got it out of my system so I could go back to my 'real work' (though it all pays the same, not at all). For late comers this series of sketches is based on the armored adventurer Abe Jenkins who most notoriously went by the name The Beetle, but also the jet themed hero MACH 1 through MACH 5.
On the LEFT
Flanged bombardier beetles can shoot boiling hot fluid, this made them a natural choice for this project. I was thinking of making some kind of long range energy weapon for this design but I didn't include it in the drawing because I was also playing with the idea of him having a few dozen drones. The armor has many design elements from MACH 1. I thought the blister beetle from my sketch looks a little like a skull (it's upside down so crane your neck to see it). Somehow making the skull motif in the mask made him look something like Iron Man
On the RIGHT
The blister beetle is actually range of beetles that excrete a nasty burning chemical. I took the giant butt of the bug and made it a tank for his primary weapon that squirts some acidic sludge.
On the LEFT and RIGHT
When I got stuck on the other designs I drew these to that are basically just studies of the MACH 1 (Left) and MACH 2 (right) armors. I did try to insect them up a little espeacially the MACH 1. I also put different forearm blasters on MACH 1 because he is supposed to be based on the fire fly, so I wanted to have a few elements that could glow
On the LEFT
Flanged bombardier beetles can shoot boiling hot fluid, this made them a natural choice for this project. I was thinking of making some kind of long range energy weapon for this design but I didn't include it in the drawing because I was also playing with the idea of him having a few dozen drones. The armor has many design elements from MACH 1. I thought the blister beetle from my sketch looks a little like a skull (it's upside down so crane your neck to see it). Somehow making the skull motif in the mask made him look something like Iron Man
On the RIGHT
The blister beetle is actually range of beetles that excrete a nasty burning chemical. I took the giant butt of the bug and made it a tank for his primary weapon that squirts some acidic sludge.
When I got stuck on the other designs I drew these to that are basically just studies of the MACH 1 (Left) and MACH 2 (right) armors. I did try to insect them up a little espeacially the MACH 1. I also put different forearm blasters on MACH 1 because he is supposed to be based on the fire fly, so I wanted to have a few elements that could glow
Friday, December 24, 2010
Meh Humbug
I don't celebrate Christmas (I don't plan to have a celibate Christmas either). There's two main reasons for this: I don't like whole gift mandate thing and I'm an atheist. I don't care for Christmas as a religious holiday. I don't care for it as a cultural holiday.
As someone who doesn't care about Christmas I want to talk a little about this whole war on nonsense. Like a lot of nonsense it comes from Fox News.
Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas
The reason why big companies and media outlets say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas is because of Chanukkah and other coinciding holidays. They are all religious holidays so it isn't some secular plot.
Religious vs. Cultural
Very little of the things we think of as being part of Christmas have anything to do with religion. Some atheist and agnostics celebrate it. I don't because other than egg nog it doesn't have any appeal to me. And as I understand it I'm not fully appreciating the egg nog because I don't drink alcohol.
I don't think there is anything wrong with celebrating something from your childhood even if you do not hold your parents beliefs. We are pretty big about Halloween even though I don't believe in spooks and goblins.
Most of society looks at Christmas as primarily a secular activity whether they admit it or not. The actual Saint Klaus did not give presents to every good boy and girl on Christmas. He anonymously donated to poor families. The part in the bible about Jesus over turning tables in the market wasn't because there was clearanced items for his birthday
Christian American
I know a lot of this war on Christmas stuff comes from secular groups fighting to remove the nativity from government property. I have mixed feelings on this. I don't personally care enough about such petty disputes to take action. On the other hand there are people out there that egg on secularist by claiming that this is a Christian country.
It isn't and it shouldn't be. Breaking down the seperation of church and state only cheapens both. The same is true for the whimsical holiday and religious tradition of the week before new years. Secularizing it is more about including those who don't share the faith than "oppressing" the majority who do. This season is supposed to be about warm feelings from humanity when it is so cold outside.
I've poked fun at Christmas a couple of times. I used to make holiday gags to promote MENTAL
and for my graduation I created a comic with a different perspective on Christmas (unintentionally political) "And You Thought Christmas was a Victimless Crime
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Double-Edged Sword
When I used to run roleplaying games I was always tweaking the rules. This was always to streamline complicated rules or to create more options for the players ( like coming up for a system for suppressive fire).
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Review: Sinfest
If you want to learn a lot about cartooning, read Sinfest, and take notes. Sinfest is a webcomic that has been running forever and there isn't a turd in the bunch. The creator, Tatsuya Ishida, is an unsung or atleast under sung master.
The art is a tight cartoony look with a hint of Manga. Occationally the artist will flex his muscles and do a couple strips in a more rendered/realistic style and once a week or so he'll have an extended strip in color. These change ups in style are used for gags like "Sinfest Nights" the daytime soap version of the strip, and to convey emotion.
Tatsuya Ishida's writing has great dialog, clever word play, and perfect beats. You've heard the old saying about jokes 'timing is everything'; The beats is the equivalent of timing for cartooning. The punchline of every strip is set up masterfully. I read Sinfest and am amazed at how much can be done with four panels.
Not only do these four panels set up a gag they progress plot. Sometimes instead of a laugh the pay off is a warm fuzzy or an epiphany.
Before I send you over to dive in I will point out the often blasphemous nature of the comic. I'm an atheist so obviously the depiction of God as an immature goofball doesn't offend me. But I would like to believe that it wouldn't offend me if I did, well believe.
Through out the comic the devil tries to hurt God and ultimately looks foolish. God only retaliates when it would be funny. If there is a God this is the god I hope s/he is. Who want's a god that takes things too seriously?
The art is a tight cartoony look with a hint of Manga. Occationally the artist will flex his muscles and do a couple strips in a more rendered/realistic style and once a week or so he'll have an extended strip in color. These change ups in style are used for gags like "Sinfest Nights" the daytime soap version of the strip, and to convey emotion.
Tatsuya Ishida's writing has great dialog, clever word play, and perfect beats. You've heard the old saying about jokes 'timing is everything'; The beats is the equivalent of timing for cartooning. The punchline of every strip is set up masterfully. I read Sinfest and am amazed at how much can be done with four panels.
Not only do these four panels set up a gag they progress plot. Sometimes instead of a laugh the pay off is a warm fuzzy or an epiphany.
Before I send you over to dive in I will point out the often blasphemous nature of the comic. I'm an atheist so obviously the depiction of God as an immature goofball doesn't offend me. But I would like to believe that it wouldn't offend me if I did, well believe.
Through out the comic the devil tries to hurt God and ultimately looks foolish. God only retaliates when it would be funny. If there is a God this is the god I hope s/he is. Who want's a god that takes things too seriously?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
China attacks America's wallet
I've been concerned about our currency for a while. Some of you might have noticed when I ran for Congress I had the gold standard listed as one of my issues ( It started with me just liking the idea of being able to redeem cash for gold from Fort Knox. The system we have is where we basically write an IOU and then print up more money.
Recently the government has been printing more money and disguising it by calling it 'economic easing'. The media repeats this euphemism because the government spins the act as stimulus. With the new tax deal we can be sure the government will have to increase the debt ceiling (more IOUs) and print more money.
What isn't widely known is how much of our money is being used around the world. When you hear the price of a barrel of oil in dollars. It is literally traded in dollars. This means to trade resources countries all over the world have big stockpiles of US currency.
The problem with this is we are being set up for economic warfare. There are conspiracy theories that the REAL reason we went into Iraq was that Saddam was considering switching to The Euro. The idea is that if Iraq started trading the Euro it would cause a domino effect of oil rich countries switching over to The Euro, which would flood the world with US dollars, and dramatically decreasing the value of US currency. Whether it is true or not that Saddam intended to do just that, China and Russia have made the first step in that direction by discontinuing the use of the dollar in their trade with each other.
You've probably heard that China has a lot of the IOUs of our national debt. This gives them the combined power of being able to collect their debt and devalue our money. Considering their recent cyber-atacks on Google, I have no doubt that China is willing to use such unconventional tactics.
Recently the government has been printing more money and disguising it by calling it 'economic easing'. The media repeats this euphemism because the government spins the act as stimulus. With the new tax deal we can be sure the government will have to increase the debt ceiling (more IOUs) and print more money.
What isn't widely known is how much of our money is being used around the world. When you hear the price of a barrel of oil in dollars. It is literally traded in dollars. This means to trade resources countries all over the world have big stockpiles of US currency.
The problem with this is we are being set up for economic warfare. There are conspiracy theories that the REAL reason we went into Iraq was that Saddam was considering switching to The Euro. The idea is that if Iraq started trading the Euro it would cause a domino effect of oil rich countries switching over to The Euro, which would flood the world with US dollars, and dramatically decreasing the value of US currency. Whether it is true or not that Saddam intended to do just that, China and Russia have made the first step in that direction by discontinuing the use of the dollar in their trade with each other.
You've probably heard that China has a lot of the IOUs of our national debt. This gives them the combined power of being able to collect their debt and devalue our money. Considering their recent cyber-atacks on Google, I have no doubt that China is willing to use such unconventional tactics.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Other Guys
Many of you may have been avoiding The Other Guys because it looks stupid, and it is in a good way, but it is also really smart. There is some genuinely edu-taining moments in the movie about why the banking system is screwing us . And the ending credits is the real treat. Check this out
Saturday, December 18, 2010
ARMORsWARmS part 2 of 3
To recap: This is the second in a series of sketches where I took designs of Marvel Comics' The Beetle (aka Abe Jenkins aka MACH I-V) and adapted them to take after various beetles. Different beetles means different powers. These are not in any kind of logical order. I'm just posting them in the order they appear in my sketch book.
On the LEFT
The rove beetle can shoot it's jaw making it the perfect candidate for becoming Beetle armor. This was one of the last drawings to be finished, so my approach was to take what I learned from the others and base the design on the insect itself. He would be a mid to close range fighter so I put spinning blades on his forearms. I've also made a little doodle of what the jaw launched would look like. I would probably redesign it to be something more disturbing.
On the RIGHT
The hercules beetle is a weird creature. The horn on the head and collar make a claw to help it wrestle opponents. Hercules in mythology and Marvel comics is a great wrestler, which I kept in mind for this design. The head and collar claw is modeled after the animal and I made the face minimalistic with Spider-man shaped eyes. I wanted to make this armor stronger than the others but without just drawing the character bigger than the others or bulkier. What I decided on was adding two insectile legs. The wearer can use these arms to help manipulate someone caught in the head claw or to hook into the back of the gauntlets to make punches more devastating. Instead of antenni I gave this costume two energy blasters that aim up at whoever is caught in the claw.
On the LEFT
The whirligig is an aquatic beetle. It has an unusual shape so I tried to capture that to the design. They eyes are based on goggles worn in the first version of The Beetle's armor. Also the first version of Jenkins armor had these weird tentacle fingers gauntlets that I slapped on there. I figured if anyone needed to be able to stick to things it would be this guy.
On the RIGHT
I believe this Beetle design comes from the golden tortoise back beetle. I took a different approach on this one. I thought the shape of the animal resembled Captain America's shield, so I incorporated flavors of Cap along with Beetle motifs. The two antenna are placed like an insects but I rendered them off of the antenna off of Jenkin's MACH II armor.
On the LEFT
The rove beetle can shoot it's jaw making it the perfect candidate for becoming Beetle armor. This was one of the last drawings to be finished, so my approach was to take what I learned from the others and base the design on the insect itself. He would be a mid to close range fighter so I put spinning blades on his forearms. I've also made a little doodle of what the jaw launched would look like. I would probably redesign it to be something more disturbing.
On the RIGHT
The hercules beetle is a weird creature. The horn on the head and collar make a claw to help it wrestle opponents. Hercules in mythology and Marvel comics is a great wrestler, which I kept in mind for this design. The head and collar claw is modeled after the animal and I made the face minimalistic with Spider-man shaped eyes. I wanted to make this armor stronger than the others but without just drawing the character bigger than the others or bulkier. What I decided on was adding two insectile legs. The wearer can use these arms to help manipulate someone caught in the head claw or to hook into the back of the gauntlets to make punches more devastating. Instead of antenni I gave this costume two energy blasters that aim up at whoever is caught in the claw.
On the LEFT
The whirligig is an aquatic beetle. It has an unusual shape so I tried to capture that to the design. They eyes are based on goggles worn in the first version of The Beetle's armor. Also the first version of Jenkins armor had these weird tentacle fingers gauntlets that I slapped on there. I figured if anyone needed to be able to stick to things it would be this guy.
On the RIGHT
I believe this Beetle design comes from the golden tortoise back beetle. I took a different approach on this one. I thought the shape of the animal resembled Captain America's shield, so I incorporated flavors of Cap along with Beetle motifs. The two antenna are placed like an insects but I rendered them off of the antenna off of Jenkin's MACH II armor.
Friday, December 17, 2010
It's the Democrats fault that the Republicans are so difficult
WARNING: For the sake of this article I am writing it from the perspective that Democrats have a better platform then Republicans. It's just easier than getting into what I agree with them about and want them to get done.
The Democratic party has really painted itself into a corner. If you've been following the news at all, you know that the Democrats keep passing bills in the House, only to have them killed in the Senate. Don't get me wrong, the GOP are mostly at fault. They could be leading this country. But they rather play stupid games, because they don't actually stand for anything, Not even the things they campaign on.
As previously described on this blog, when Democrats wrestle power away from Republicans, they continue abuses instead of ending them. A lot of the really shady things Republicans when they controlled the Congress are not being continued under Democrats. For example, Republicans would change the meeting rooms for committees without telling the Dems on the committee where they went. This isn't because Democrats are more mature, it's because they wouldn't dare. I don't know why, but they just wouldn't.
Democrats are painted in a corner with Republicans because they are so concerned with winning that they have become a pale reflection. You can't drain the swamp just to replace it with a marsh. Republicans raise a bunch of money from corporations and Democrats go after corporate donations (great footage of this in the documentary 'An Unreasonable Man'), Republicans become jingoistic Democrats put on flag pins, and when Republicans faith up policy Democrats get spiritual advisers.
This wouldn't happen if the Democrats and Republicans were not using the offices they hold to make the hill for third party and independent candidates impossibly steep.
From nature we learn that diversity is in itself a defense against cataclysmic failure. In this case the Republican party has been infected with hyper-competitiveness. The reason they are so much better at making the competition look bad is because they care about it more than being effective policy makers.
If Democrats would work to level the playing field for third parties, they wouldn't have this seemingly insurmountable coalition of naysayers against them. True, they could be risking some of their own seats, but this would give Republicans competition where they are running unopposed.
When I was running for Congress in the last cycle, and couldn't get in the debates because i wasn't in the primaries (perk of being a write in), I still called them out on trying to shut out the Libertarian candidate. If Democratic candidates would do the same thing, they could conceivably strip enough votes away from Republicans to close the gap in a tough race. In a real upset, a Libertarian candidate could win, and actually allow headway on issues like ending DADT.
The kicker is that Republicans are already using third party candidates in some places. They've been giving money to Green Party candidates in some races.
Wake up Democrats! You've not only made our government a two-headed monster, you gave the other head bigger teeth.
The Democratic party has really painted itself into a corner. If you've been following the news at all, you know that the Democrats keep passing bills in the House, only to have them killed in the Senate. Don't get me wrong, the GOP are mostly at fault. They could be leading this country. But they rather play stupid games, because they don't actually stand for anything, Not even the things they campaign on.
As previously described on this blog, when Democrats wrestle power away from Republicans, they continue abuses instead of ending them. A lot of the really shady things Republicans when they controlled the Congress are not being continued under Democrats. For example, Republicans would change the meeting rooms for committees without telling the Dems on the committee where they went. This isn't because Democrats are more mature, it's because they wouldn't dare. I don't know why, but they just wouldn't.
Democrats are painted in a corner with Republicans because they are so concerned with winning that they have become a pale reflection. You can't drain the swamp just to replace it with a marsh. Republicans raise a bunch of money from corporations and Democrats go after corporate donations (great footage of this in the documentary 'An Unreasonable Man'), Republicans become jingoistic Democrats put on flag pins, and when Republicans faith up policy Democrats get spiritual advisers.
This wouldn't happen if the Democrats and Republicans were not using the offices they hold to make the hill for third party and independent candidates impossibly steep.
From nature we learn that diversity is in itself a defense against cataclysmic failure. In this case the Republican party has been infected with hyper-competitiveness. The reason they are so much better at making the competition look bad is because they care about it more than being effective policy makers.
If Democrats would work to level the playing field for third parties, they wouldn't have this seemingly insurmountable coalition of naysayers against them. True, they could be risking some of their own seats, but this would give Republicans competition where they are running unopposed.
When I was running for Congress in the last cycle, and couldn't get in the debates because i wasn't in the primaries (perk of being a write in), I still called them out on trying to shut out the Libertarian candidate. If Democratic candidates would do the same thing, they could conceivably strip enough votes away from Republicans to close the gap in a tough race. In a real upset, a Libertarian candidate could win, and actually allow headway on issues like ending DADT.
The kicker is that Republicans are already using third party candidates in some places. They've been giving money to Green Party candidates in some races.
Wake up Democrats! You've not only made our government a two-headed monster, you gave the other head bigger teeth.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Like Chocolate and Peanutbutter
Crawlers makes a nod to Bruce Campbell
If you were missing the lack of webcomic review yesterday it was missing for two reasons.
1. Battling my computer. Until 11AM it was insisting that my password was wrong, the rest of the day I couldn't get any of my software to work.
2. I didn't have anything to say about any of the webcomics I'm caught up on. One exception, but I'm holding off on that one for probably a year.
If you were missing the lack of webcomic review yesterday it was missing for two reasons.
1. Battling my computer. Until 11AM it was insisting that my password was wrong, the rest of the day I couldn't get any of my software to work.
2. I didn't have anything to say about any of the webcomics I'm caught up on. One exception, but I'm holding off on that one for probably a year.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sanders Philo-buster
For 8.5 hours Bernie Sanders took the floor of the Senate. He didn't read the phone book or a cook book, it was a comprehensive explanation of what he sees as wrong with the tax bill. This wasn't just a speak-a-thon it was a philo-buster.
We are conditioned to believe that the difference between the right and the left is solutions, when most of it is problems. The reason I joined the Progressive party over, the Libertarian party is that right leaning people tend not to be concerned with issues that concern me. Though I will say that right leaning people are more likely to act when they do acknowledge a problem. For instance I don't think many registered Republicans want to admit how many poor we have in this country, but the ones who do, will actually go down to the soup kitchen or get their church to do a fundraiser.
Though I suspect Senator Sanders and I have a lot of differences on solutions but judging by this philo-buster and other appearances I think we agree on the problems. And it is refreshing to hear someone point out these problems in a way that isn't radical. It isn't radical to say the deficit is too big. It isn't radical to say we shouldn't pay GE to ship jobs overseas. It isn't radical to say 'the greatest country in the world' shouldn't have 'the most children living in poverty of any industrial nation'.
We are conditioned to believe that the difference between the right and the left is solutions, when most of it is problems. The reason I joined the Progressive party over, the Libertarian party is that right leaning people tend not to be concerned with issues that concern me. Though I will say that right leaning people are more likely to act when they do acknowledge a problem. For instance I don't think many registered Republicans want to admit how many poor we have in this country, but the ones who do, will actually go down to the soup kitchen or get their church to do a fundraiser.
Though I suspect Senator Sanders and I have a lot of differences on solutions but judging by this philo-buster and other appearances I think we agree on the problems. And it is refreshing to hear someone point out these problems in a way that isn't radical. It isn't radical to say the deficit is too big. It isn't radical to say we shouldn't pay GE to ship jobs overseas. It isn't radical to say 'the greatest country in the world' shouldn't have 'the most children living in poverty of any industrial nation'.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
ARMORsWARmS part 1 of 3
I'm going to start putting Sketches up on Saturdays starting with this series I call ARMORsWARmS. This series is me at my geekiest. In the Iron Man comics there was a miniseries called ARMOR WARS, where Tony Stark finds out his technology was stolen and different supervillains are using the technology to upgrade their tech. The idea of ARMORsWARmS is if this happened to Abe Jenkins AKA The Beetle.
That isn't even the dorkiest part. In addition to being a comic dork, I am a zoology nerd, and hence each of these armors will be based on a different Beetle.
On the LEFT
This is a study of Mark Bagley's take on the Beetle. Bagley used to make technical drawings for the military, so I wanted to try to draw his design before attempting my own.
On the RIGHT
This is the first idea I had. The Rhino is a popular Spider-Man villain who was part of The Beetle's Sinister Syndicate. The Rhino's power is to break things by ramming them with his head. Because the design on the left is so bulky I decided to base the rhinoceros beetle armor on it, adding a rhinoceros beetle horn, and changing the chest plate to keep it from being a repaint. If you look closely you can see I added some mandibles though I can't imagine them having any practical applications.
On the LEFT
This armor is based on the tiger beetle, which is one of the fastest runners in the insect kingdom. The design is based on elements from The Beetle's superhero alias MACH 2. I did spend some time thinking about the tech on these drawings. The Beetles main technical achievement is that he created a super material that made his wings work, for a speedster the material would be used in the armor's joints.
On the RIGHT
The golith beetle is a big bug. There was also a Golith villan who was on the Masters of Evil and The Thunderbolts with Jenkins. The armor design is basically a bulked up version of the original Beetle, except the body is covered in expanding plates to accommodate the growing powers of the wearer. the the wings and mask can somehow grow too.
To be continued next week when I post four more...
That isn't even the dorkiest part. In addition to being a comic dork, I am a zoology nerd, and hence each of these armors will be based on a different Beetle.
On the LEFT
This is a study of Mark Bagley's take on the Beetle. Bagley used to make technical drawings for the military, so I wanted to try to draw his design before attempting my own.
On the RIGHT
This is the first idea I had. The Rhino is a popular Spider-Man villain who was part of The Beetle's Sinister Syndicate. The Rhino's power is to break things by ramming them with his head. Because the design on the left is so bulky I decided to base the rhinoceros beetle armor on it, adding a rhinoceros beetle horn, and changing the chest plate to keep it from being a repaint. If you look closely you can see I added some mandibles though I can't imagine them having any practical applications.
On the LEFT
This armor is based on the tiger beetle, which is one of the fastest runners in the insect kingdom. The design is based on elements from The Beetle's superhero alias MACH 2. I did spend some time thinking about the tech on these drawings. The Beetles main technical achievement is that he created a super material that made his wings work, for a speedster the material would be used in the armor's joints.
On the RIGHT
The golith beetle is a big bug. There was also a Golith villan who was on the Masters of Evil and The Thunderbolts with Jenkins. The armor design is basically a bulked up version of the original Beetle, except the body is covered in expanding plates to accommodate the growing powers of the wearer. the the wings and mask can somehow grow too.
To be continued next week when I post four more...
Friday, December 10, 2010
You can't spell Obama without a BM
In an earlier post "You can't spell Bush without BS" I promised to do one about Obama. And hey, "You can't spell Obama without a BM" works (for those of you who haven't heard this one a BM is how really polite people describe taking a shit).
I've more than gave Obama a fair chance. I was living in Illinois when he ran for Senate and voted for him (actually I'd have to check who the Green and Libertarian candidates were that year). The point is I have been paying attention to Obama for a long time now and I had a mostly positive regard toward him.
10) Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize eight months into his term. It really bothers me that he didn't think to refuse it and suggest others more worthy. He admitted to being surprised he was nominated. How many achievements were overlooked because Obama got the prize? How much press could Obama have gotten for those achievements if he suggested them in his stead?
9) From ballot tampering to torture, I had high hopes the Bush administration people would be spending a lot of time fighting off the Justice Department. No such luck. Not only has Obama not had the Justice Department go after Bush, he's actually protected them from legal systems in other countries.
8) Obama has continued the Democrat tradition of confusing compromise with caving. Obama starts in the middle and keeps moving towards the GOP. I'd be okay with him shifting to the right or towards Republican voters. But I'm not okay with just giving the GOP whatever they want.
7)Obama was bragging to other world leaders about how great stimulus spending works and how they should try it in other countries. Supporting stimulus spending was presented as an act of desperation- and even then the American people didn't like it.
6) Remember the big oil spill this summer? Do you remember when Obama opened up 167 million acres of American coast to off shore drilling? Obama may be considered our first black president but it's really annoying that so many people assume he's a green president.
5) Obama's pussyfooting on DADT and repealing DOMA has a greater affect than that of other politicians. Obama has to seriously stand up for gay rights because his inaction doesn't stand out in the black community. If Obama would fight for gay rights the black community would notice and it would be clear that homophobia is not acceptable within the community.
4) Obama thinks he's doing such a great job that he thinks progressive voters shouldn't be criticizing him. This highlights to me the difference between liberals and progressives. Liberals want the government to do everything for them. Progressives believe that the way to control government is to take ownership of government. Progressives are activists while Liberals are inactivists. No one should ever be above criticism.
3) Obama is a listener not a leader. Remember when Obama would talk about changing how government is done? I get the impression that after he got in office and picked out his mostly insider staff they started telling him how things work in DC and why they do them that way. If Obama would use some leadership to purpose some bigger picture bills he could force Republicans to vote on bills.
2) Every president is probably guilty of expanding the power of the White House, but that trend should have corrected itself after the Bush administration. Obama is on watch so I expected him to start cleaning up. Instead Obama has expanded the abuses of power. You know how you have a right to a fair trial? Now under Obama, an American citizen, can be executed without trial if they are not on American soil.
1) Obama knows better. Bush was kind of an idiot (not sure if it was by choice or mental capacity), I tried to give him a little slack for being manipulated by his staff. And yes that is what staff does. They are political creatures whose opinions are guided by agenda. Bush probably believed his people care about loyalty. I can tell by the way Obama describes things is that he gets it, but he's letting it happen to him anyway.
One of my best friends says this actually makes Obama worse than Bush, even if the previous administration was slightly more evil. I'm not sure I'd go that far but it is worth noting.
BONUS: In 2007-2008 I created a series of political trading cards for my website.
I've more than gave Obama a fair chance. I was living in Illinois when he ran for Senate and voted for him (actually I'd have to check who the Green and Libertarian candidates were that year). The point is I have been paying attention to Obama for a long time now and I had a mostly positive regard toward him.
10) Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize eight months into his term. It really bothers me that he didn't think to refuse it and suggest others more worthy. He admitted to being surprised he was nominated. How many achievements were overlooked because Obama got the prize? How much press could Obama have gotten for those achievements if he suggested them in his stead?
9) From ballot tampering to torture, I had high hopes the Bush administration people would be spending a lot of time fighting off the Justice Department. No such luck. Not only has Obama not had the Justice Department go after Bush, he's actually protected them from legal systems in other countries.
8) Obama has continued the Democrat tradition of confusing compromise with caving. Obama starts in the middle and keeps moving towards the GOP. I'd be okay with him shifting to the right or towards Republican voters. But I'm not okay with just giving the GOP whatever they want.
7)Obama was bragging to other world leaders about how great stimulus spending works and how they should try it in other countries. Supporting stimulus spending was presented as an act of desperation- and even then the American people didn't like it.
6) Remember the big oil spill this summer? Do you remember when Obama opened up 167 million acres of American coast to off shore drilling? Obama may be considered our first black president but it's really annoying that so many people assume he's a green president.
5) Obama's pussyfooting on DADT and repealing DOMA has a greater affect than that of other politicians. Obama has to seriously stand up for gay rights because his inaction doesn't stand out in the black community. If Obama would fight for gay rights the black community would notice and it would be clear that homophobia is not acceptable within the community.
4) Obama thinks he's doing such a great job that he thinks progressive voters shouldn't be criticizing him. This highlights to me the difference between liberals and progressives. Liberals want the government to do everything for them. Progressives believe that the way to control government is to take ownership of government. Progressives are activists while Liberals are inactivists. No one should ever be above criticism.
3) Obama is a listener not a leader. Remember when Obama would talk about changing how government is done? I get the impression that after he got in office and picked out his mostly insider staff they started telling him how things work in DC and why they do them that way. If Obama would use some leadership to purpose some bigger picture bills he could force Republicans to vote on bills.
2) Every president is probably guilty of expanding the power of the White House, but that trend should have corrected itself after the Bush administration. Obama is on watch so I expected him to start cleaning up. Instead Obama has expanded the abuses of power. You know how you have a right to a fair trial? Now under Obama, an American citizen, can be executed without trial if they are not on American soil.
1) Obama knows better. Bush was kind of an idiot (not sure if it was by choice or mental capacity), I tried to give him a little slack for being manipulated by his staff. And yes that is what staff does. They are political creatures whose opinions are guided by agenda. Bush probably believed his people care about loyalty. I can tell by the way Obama describes things is that he gets it, but he's letting it happen to him anyway.
One of my best friends says this actually makes Obama worse than Bush, even if the previous administration was slightly more evil. I'm not sure I'd go that far but it is worth noting.
BONUS: In 2007-2008 I created a series of political trading cards for my website.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Probably on Netflix
This is the joke Tuesdays comic was setting up. It's actually just exposition thinly veiled as a gag.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Great minds...
I thought it would be fun for some of you to see the parralells between Crawlers and another webcomic about Role-Playing.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Plot Thickens
In my review of Freak Angels I talk about how publishing only a page at a time makes you choose between between gag a day and plot. This is the first time I had to choose plot. This page does a lot of things but standing on it's own is not one of them
Monday, December 6, 2010
Don't ask Don't tell, Some satirical arguments
John McCain has been really fighting the end of Don't Ask Don't Tell. He keeps raising the bar as to what will make him accept repealing the policy. I don't know who to attribute this to but one commentator noted that opponents to the repeal are trying to have it both ways by simultaneously saying we have the most professional military in the world but they are essentially not mature enough to shower with gay people like they would at the gym when state side Here are some of the advantages to the repeal of DADT (some more serious than others):
Land of the Free
Not only must we hold on to our best and brightest without consideration of who they like to get in formation with, but having equal rights in our military makes our forces more sympathetic to foreign fighters. I don't know if it has been confirmed yet but initial reports of the most recent WikiLeaks were supposedly released by a gay soldier who was pissed at his treatment. If we repeal DADT it will increase the chances that the soldiers still keeping their self in the closet will kick their countries skeletons out of it.
Unit Cohesion
I have heard that ending DADT could hurt the cohesion of the unit. First of all that is stupid because I'm sure most of the time they know who is gay. I don't know why higher ups assume the grunts don't have gaydar.
When we go into another country the first propaganda spread is how "American soldiers will come here and rape our women!" If we end DADT they will solicit the response "I heard they will come here to rape us!"
Keep in mind that we are currently fighting very conservative fundamentalist.
Land of the Free
Not only must we hold on to our best and brightest without consideration of who they like to get in formation with, but having equal rights in our military makes our forces more sympathetic to foreign fighters. I don't know if it has been confirmed yet but initial reports of the most recent WikiLeaks were supposedly released by a gay soldier who was pissed at his treatment. If we repeal DADT it will increase the chances that the soldiers still keeping their self in the closet will kick their countries skeletons out of it.
Unit Cohesion
I have heard that ending DADT could hurt the cohesion of the unit. First of all that is stupid because I'm sure most of the time they know who is gay. I don't know why higher ups assume the grunts don't have gaydar.
When we go into another country the first propaganda spread is how "American soldiers will come here and rape our women!" If we end DADT they will solicit the response "I heard they will come here to rape us!"
Keep in mind that we are currently fighting very conservative fundamentalist.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Transformers Prime (and a rant about cartoons in general)
Thar be spoilers...
You would not believe how pissed I got when they added the little kid Robin to Batman The Animated series. I had read an article with one of the creators stating it was because a suit told them that kids like kids in their cartoons. Never mind the fact that the show had already been on the air for several years and was awesome.
I thought with DVD sales to adults that we'd be passed this stupidity but I suspect it still continues.
Now that I have kids of my own I see that it is true. Kids have an instinctual bond with other kids. I don't think I ever had this but I'm willing to accept that I'm weird (okay I'm bragging).
Over time cartoons have the foresight to add kids from the beginning instead of ruining a brilliant show later (the Robin episodes might not have been as bad as I remember but it was a significant step down). So for the last ten years we've had a bunch of shows with useless kids in them.
Digimon comes to mind right away. What the hell is the point of the kids on that show? Oh that's right they push the button to evolve the Digimon. Digimon are intelligent enough to talk but not enough to push a button apparently.
Unfortunately the new Transformers series they decided to add a bunch of useless kids. One of them is somehow 12 and better at computers than a bunch of robots, but they are basically useless. There is a fix to this but I have another trope to bitch about.
Drones, clones, and goons. In the sneak peak of Transformers Prime, the Decepticons have a seemingly endless supply of cronies that are almost as strong as an autobot (at least when we first see them). Yet the Decepticons complain that they are too few in number. The only thing these drones don't seem capable of is plotting against their leader. At least with Beast Wars that incarnation of Megatron realized what he had with the drones. In this show he abandons his army to replace them with one made of zombies. Though the zombies were cool. Very cool.
Transformers Prime obviously wants to be darker than previous series of the franchise. A well known character dies in the first episode of the miniseries. But they also want to have kids in the show so they can sell more toys. These two ideas don't have to be at odds.
Kids can handle darker stories than what they are usually offered. Visually this show offers that, but in the story they seem hesitant. Darker doesn't necessarily mean more adult. A good example of darker yet age appropriate is Ender's Game. If you haven't read it go ahead I'll wait...
It was good right? Transformers could do the same thing. Get the kids some head master (change the name) armor, have them join the Autobots to make up for the overwhelming numbers of Decepticons, and throw in a line about how only humans with developing neurology can properly learn to interface with the Cybertronian technology. done.
No need to make the kids goofy. No need to give them some stupid forced into the plot job.
In case you were wondering I'm not one of those people who think 'the kid' ruined episode one of Star Wars.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Repaired link
Repaired links: Astronaut+Anti-werewolf Uzi+Castle = my 2006 24 hour comic
2006 was the year I asked the others in the room for a person, place and thing. It was also the year I actually finished the challenge of 24 pages in 24 hours. The comic was one of the many victims of changing servers. This wouldn't be a problem if I knew how to write php
2006 was the year I asked the others in the room for a person, place and thing. It was also the year I actually finished the challenge of 24 pages in 24 hours. The comic was one of the many victims of changing servers. This wouldn't be a problem if I knew how to write php
Friday, December 3, 2010
Death of Journalism
The latest round of WikiLeaks (click here for cliffs notes version) is challenging the fortitude of the first amendment of our Constitution.
There is a lot going on here so let me break it down as I see it:
Instead of writing opinions based on anonymous sources WikiLeaks released thousands of embarrassing documents and now the politicians want to smite WikiLeaks founder.
Now we can dissect that statement. The first part about writing opinions based on anonymous sources is a key part of understanding journalism today. Journalist have relationships with different politicians and their staff. News stories are usually based on public or confidential statements by these people the journalist have relationships with. This means that the journalist isn't the only one controlling what information is getting out there, it is also being controlled to some degree by the subjects of the reporting. Clever journalist can read into what they're told and investigate further to find information. Clever politicians and staff can trick journalist into following false leads and continuing bogus narratives.
WikiLeaks is peeling back the facade and revealing what no one should be surprised is going on. By releasing private communications we only see the specifics of who said and did what. Are we really surprised that diplomats talk about other diplomats behind their backs? Are we surprised our government is staging attacks in counties we're not at war with? Are we surprised they are covering it up?
We shouldn't be. Shame on us if we were. These kind of things have continually been reported all along. But as long as the sources were anonymous, it was deniable. We could pretend we don't believe the source. We could marginalize the reporting.
WikiLeaks can not be sidelined in the same way because they offer no opinions only exposure of things meant to be secret.
Now to the bit about 'embarrassing documents'. I use this wording for a specific reason. I do not believe for one second that the real players are surprised by any of this. Many egos may be bruised but these players would have to be infantile and delusional to believe that diplomats talk the same to their face as they do behind their back.
Prime example is the 'revalations' about Saudi princes funding terrorism while still considered an ally. This isn't new. But these leaks highlight that Saudi Arabia is being held to a different standard than other countries in the region and may force us to ask why. Again it's based on relationships. This time it's the relationships with our corporations and our politicians. They don't dare go after the 'bad' princes at the cost of the 'good' princes.
Now about the 'smiting' part
I find it funny that many of the people deny global warming suddenly turn against the publishers of 'climategate'. Again I'm not surprised. From their sinister interpretation of those benign documents it is obvious that they cherry pick information. I find it funny that people who claim to be against war are now saying WikiLeaks did something wrong by shining light on how ugly war is. And I find it scary that people are throwing around phrases like 'enemy combatant' as a designation for this news site.
An enemy combatant is a bullshit designation of a human being that strips them of any humanity. An enemy combatant doesn't have the same rights as a foreign soldier or even a criminal.
The truth is for at least my life time government has increasingly become more blatantly abusive. As we become more able to stomach the abuse administrations, parliaments, congress, corporations, and international bodies of all sorts become slightly less worried about appearances.
I see the leaks of these documents as a net gain for humanity because it is enough to be shocking. I hope it's shocking enough to make the world see the truth and to stop our government from saying with it's actions "Oh you have a freedom of speech, but if you practice it too radically you will have all your rights revoked, including the one that gives you a fair hearing as to whether or not you did indeed practice it too radically."
(run on sentences are another sign of increasingly blatant abuses of power)
There is a lot going on here so let me break it down as I see it:
Instead of writing opinions based on anonymous sources WikiLeaks released thousands of embarrassing documents and now the politicians want to smite WikiLeaks founder.
Now we can dissect that statement. The first part about writing opinions based on anonymous sources is a key part of understanding journalism today. Journalist have relationships with different politicians and their staff. News stories are usually based on public or confidential statements by these people the journalist have relationships with. This means that the journalist isn't the only one controlling what information is getting out there, it is also being controlled to some degree by the subjects of the reporting. Clever journalist can read into what they're told and investigate further to find information. Clever politicians and staff can trick journalist into following false leads and continuing bogus narratives.
WikiLeaks is peeling back the facade and revealing what no one should be surprised is going on. By releasing private communications we only see the specifics of who said and did what. Are we really surprised that diplomats talk about other diplomats behind their backs? Are we surprised our government is staging attacks in counties we're not at war with? Are we surprised they are covering it up?
We shouldn't be. Shame on us if we were. These kind of things have continually been reported all along. But as long as the sources were anonymous, it was deniable. We could pretend we don't believe the source. We could marginalize the reporting.
WikiLeaks can not be sidelined in the same way because they offer no opinions only exposure of things meant to be secret.
Now to the bit about 'embarrassing documents'. I use this wording for a specific reason. I do not believe for one second that the real players are surprised by any of this. Many egos may be bruised but these players would have to be infantile and delusional to believe that diplomats talk the same to their face as they do behind their back.
Prime example is the 'revalations' about Saudi princes funding terrorism while still considered an ally. This isn't new. But these leaks highlight that Saudi Arabia is being held to a different standard than other countries in the region and may force us to ask why. Again it's based on relationships. This time it's the relationships with our corporations and our politicians. They don't dare go after the 'bad' princes at the cost of the 'good' princes.
Now about the 'smiting' part
I find it funny that many of the people deny global warming suddenly turn against the publishers of 'climategate'. Again I'm not surprised. From their sinister interpretation of those benign documents it is obvious that they cherry pick information. I find it funny that people who claim to be against war are now saying WikiLeaks did something wrong by shining light on how ugly war is. And I find it scary that people are throwing around phrases like 'enemy combatant' as a designation for this news site.
An enemy combatant is a bullshit designation of a human being that strips them of any humanity. An enemy combatant doesn't have the same rights as a foreign soldier or even a criminal.
The truth is for at least my life time government has increasingly become more blatantly abusive. As we become more able to stomach the abuse administrations, parliaments, congress, corporations, and international bodies of all sorts become slightly less worried about appearances.
I see the leaks of these documents as a net gain for humanity because it is enough to be shocking. I hope it's shocking enough to make the world see the truth and to stop our government from saying with it's actions "Oh you have a freedom of speech, but if you practice it too radically you will have all your rights revoked, including the one that gives you a fair hearing as to whether or not you did indeed practice it too radically."
(run on sentences are another sign of increasingly blatant abuses of power)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Fight munchkins with munchkins
You know how you'll be watching a movie and your friend figures out the end? Well imagine if it was your movie and the stars don't want their characters to die.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Freak Angels review
Freak Angels doesn't need me to shed light on it. If anything I'll get more traffic from it than it'll ever get from this review. But there is something interesting going on here. Yes Freak Angels is good. Okay awesome. Whatever. What is interesting is how the comic is released.
Most webcartoonist release a page a day as many days a week as the creative team can handle. Freak Angels releases six pages a week but they are all collected as a weekly six page digest. This approach fixes a problem with other webcomics: Unless you are creating a gag-a-day comic you are going to create some awkward beats in the story. It happens all the time. There is a key piece of information the reader needs for later but until those pages are added the reader has to wait for that page to make sense. Or the faithful reader who checks the comic every morning just to get a comic that ends mid-conversation/explanation, leaving them to wait for the next day or week to get a complete idea.
Web-Comic Review
Title: Freak Angels
Creator(s): Warren Ellis, Paul Duffield, Kate Brown, Alana Yuen
very detailed clean appearently freehand draftsmanship. As wonderful as the drawing is the color/fx team really makes the book eye candy.
The story telling is always clear and makes good use of breaking borders and occasionally abandoning panels all together.
Warren Ellis is the master of taking advantage of format. Unlike most of us who experiment with format, Ellis never loses sight of telling a good story. Each week we get a satisfying chunk of story that leaves you just hungry enough to come back for more the next week.
While attending the American Academy of Art a teacher (who no longer works there) told me that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. This was his way of telling me I should drop out and focus on writing (or anything other than art).
While the teacher's advice is true in my case, and there are many many exceptions out there, Freak Angels is the 'studio' system at it's best. Creative people who are specialized in their talents and working well together.
Freak Angels is put out by a print comic book company so the pages are formatted for the graphic novel but the story is for the most part seamless though I know they are keeping the printed in mind.
Most webcartoonist release a page a day as many days a week as the creative team can handle. Freak Angels releases six pages a week but they are all collected as a weekly six page digest. This approach fixes a problem with other webcomics: Unless you are creating a gag-a-day comic you are going to create some awkward beats in the story. It happens all the time. There is a key piece of information the reader needs for later but until those pages are added the reader has to wait for that page to make sense. Or the faithful reader who checks the comic every morning just to get a comic that ends mid-conversation/explanation, leaving them to wait for the next day or week to get a complete idea.
Web-Comic Review
Title: Freak Angels
Creator(s): Warren Ellis, Paul Duffield, Kate Brown, Alana Yuen
very detailed clean appearently freehand draftsmanship. As wonderful as the drawing is the color/fx team really makes the book eye candy.
The story telling is always clear and makes good use of breaking borders and occasionally abandoning panels all together.
Warren Ellis is the master of taking advantage of format. Unlike most of us who experiment with format, Ellis never loses sight of telling a good story. Each week we get a satisfying chunk of story that leaves you just hungry enough to come back for more the next week.
While attending the American Academy of Art a teacher (who no longer works there) told me that a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. This was his way of telling me I should drop out and focus on writing (or anything other than art).
While the teacher's advice is true in my case, and there are many many exceptions out there, Freak Angels is the 'studio' system at it's best. Creative people who are specialized in their talents and working well together.
Freak Angels is put out by a print comic book company so the pages are formatted for the graphic novel but the story is for the most part seamless though I know they are keeping the printed in mind.
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