The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

AFSCME Council 72 People Questionnaire

Most of my employment history has been working in small print shops. So I don't have a lot of experience with unions and all my opinions are merely academic.


1. The ability to collectively bargain is enshrined in Missouri's Constitution. Please explain your support or opposition and legislation that protect workers' freedom to form unions and bargain with employers.
I support workers rights. I don't think collective bargaining is a perfect solution but it is the most fair solution I am aware of.

2. According to data from the U.S, Census Bureau, Missouri's public workers are ranked
50'h in terms salary, 34% below the national average. Please detail your support or
opposition to pursue policies and legislation thatwould ensure that Missouri works to
achieve parity with the private sector in terms of wages and benefits.
This is a balancing act. Missouri has an obligation to taxpayers to give them as much return as possible yet the state should be leading by example to other employers. We wouldn't have much of a middle class without desirable government jobs.

3. Privatization is increasingly discussed as a means to reduce government sending,
though it comes at the expense of drastically slashing vital services and eliminating
jobs when the Missouri economy can least afford it. Please explain your support or
opposition to privatization of public services provided by state, local and municipal
I am willing to hear out ideas for privatizing but I am often opposed to them because the General Assembly's support tends to have a correlation to political donations. I would be more open non-profit privatization, but I doubt that would get much traction in Jefferson City.

4. There are a number of valid avenues that the state of Missouri can take to enhance
state revenue. Please detail the approaches you think would be best, such as closing
the Geoffrey loophole, eliminating the outdated Timely Filing benefit, passing the
streamlined sales tax, or others.
The thing that seems to be easiest to fix is creating oversight for the abuse of tax credit programs that are currently immune to appropriations. I like the idea of closing the Geoffrey Loophole but it would be more difficult to implement than it would be for accountants to create a new loophole.

5.Currently in Missouri, under the National labor Relations Act, unions are required to provide the same representational benefits to members and non-members alike, without non-members paying any form of fair share dues. Please detail your support or opposition of Representational Fee policies or legislation.
I support people having a choice (at least with a private business) but oppose that choice allowing them to reap the benefits without any cost.

6. Currently in Missouri, workers are given opportunity to have union dues deducted directly from their paycheck upon their authorization. Unfortunately, there are those in our state who would prohibit unions from collecting dues in this fashion. Please explain your support or opposition to allowing workers the right choose how their wages are spent.
Support. But I don't understand why anyone would want to take that option away.

7. lf elected, what would be the first thing you would try to change in this state?
Creating oversight/appropriations for tax credit programs would (hopefully) have the most bipartisan support. Because Democrats are out numbered drastically I'd think that's the best way to go.

8. What is the most important job of a Missouri state legislator?
I think everyone wants a fair shot. As legislators we have to figure out how to do that. We have different ideas on how to go about that though.

9. Please detail your support or opposition to the idea of holding legislators to the same standards that state employees are already held to.
Sounds like poetic justice to me...


Opponent(s): Richard Buchli, Eric Burlison

How long have you lived in your district?
three years

Are you registered to vote at your current address? 

From what organizations have you received endorsements?
Still waiting...

How much time do you plan to spend campaigning?
Lots. I am doing all the design work and content of materials. Not to mention filling out lots of questionnaires

How much money will you need to raise to run a viable campaign for this office?
I would prefer a strong word of mouth campaign... that said the incumbent will likely raise over $70K.

How much have you raised to date?
Little over $200

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Super Dave Show

I often correct people when they call me a politician. I may say I think of myself as a statesman or that I am just some guy running for office. In the second hour of my appearance on the Super Dave Show I think you can hear the difference.
It's interesting that in the chat log someone pointed out how much I stammered and said "People are elected on confidence".
That struck me as funny because the con in con artist is actually short for confidence. Which illustrates to me the difference between a politician and myself.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri

Again yes or no questions suck. So I don't provide explanations for what answers I chose because on the actual questionnaire sent in I wasn't given the option. I much prefer the Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree method. Though it still has the problem of not allowing for nuance. For example I don't support state sponsored abortion but I also don't support cutting funding to clinics that help out low income because they might provide an abortion (or a referral there).
Also I don't have a problem with the use of my tax dollars to provide an abortion but I support my grandfather in not wanting his tax dollar in providing abortions. Also my scanner found the font the questionnaire used as funky so don't hold the many typos against them

The United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade ruled that the right lo privacy includes a pregnant woman's right to choose to have an abortion, Accordingly, a state: (1) may not unduly restrict a woman's access to abortion during the first three months of pregnancy; (2) may regulate abortion after the first three months of pregnancy to Protect a woman's health; and (3) may ban abortion after fetal viability (usually after 26-28 weeks of pregnancy)
so long as exceptions are permitted to protect a woman's life or health (with, the exception of one procedure that is federally banned).

1. Do you support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion?

2. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, would you vote for legislation guaranteeing a woman's right
to choose to have a legal abortion in Missouri?

Under current Missouri law, no publicly funded facility may be used to perform an abortion unless it is to preserve a woman's life. No state employee may participate in providing an abortion not necessary to save a woman's life, and state-funded medial schools cannot teach students abortion procedures. A woman eligible for state medical assistance may not obtain public funds for an abortion unless the abortion is necessary to preserve her life, Finally under the so-called Gag Rule, state-employed councilors and physicians cannot provide a pregnant woman with, information about abortion or abortion providers unless necessary to preserve her life.

3. Do you support the current ban on the use of state facilities and employees for performing
or teaching abortions?
both yes and no

4. Do you support the current ban on public funding of abortions?
both yes and no

If you answered yes, should there be an exception for cases of rape and incest?
yes (on this one I wrote in that I originally marked it no because the doctor doesn't need the reason Roe v Wade was in part a ruling on privacy the state shouldn't be trying to undermine privacy)

Do you support the Gag Rule that bans state employees from providing a woman with
information about abortion, including referrals to abortion providers?

Under current Missouri law, a woman must make at least two separate visits to a physician and wait at least 24hours before obtaining an abortion. Physicians must also provide the woman with state-mandated information and counseling. In addition, this law is so extreme that it has no exception for victims of rape or incest.

Do you suppoft the law requiring a mandatory delay of 24 hours?
Would you vote to repeal that part of the law requiring physicians to provide
state-mandated information and counseling?

The Missouri General Assembly has eliminated all state funding for family planning including funding for cancer screenings, gynecological exams, HIV testing, pre-natal care, diabetes screening and breast exams, as well as funding for birth control services and education. Many low-income women now have no access to these Services,

Would you vote to include funding for family planning in the state appropriations bill?

Would you vote to give this family-planning funding to facilities that refer women to abortion
providers, or preform abortions, so long as none of the funding is used for those purposes?

The Missouri General Assembly is currently considering bills that would make it more difficult for women to ace€ss all forms of contraception and also abortion care, on grounds that hospitals, HMOs, insurers, and other corporations have "conscience" rights.

Would you vote for a bill requiring pharmacies to fill physicians'prescriptions,
including prescriptions for oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraception?
Both Yes and No

Would you vote for a bill requiring pharmacies that do not stock contraceptives
to either order contraceptives or refer patients to another local pharmacy?

Would you vote for a bill requiring hospitals to offer emergenry contraception to rape
survivors in the emergency room?

Would you vote against bills that would allow corporations to refuse treatment, including
emergency life-saving abortion care, to their patients based on their "conscience" rights?
Both yes and no

A law passed by the General Assembly in 2OO7 permits school districts to offer abstinence-only sex education rather than comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education. The law passed even though studies show that abstinence-only prograrns can result in more teen pregnancies and increased rates of sexually transmitted deseases. In addition, the General Assembly has repeatedly considered bills that would deny  minors access to contraception without the consent of a parent These bills would do nothing to prevent young people from becoming sexually active, but they would prevent minors from protecting themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.

14. Would you vote for a bill requiring public schools to provide age-appropriate information
about the health benefits and side effects of all forms of contraception?

15. Would you vote against a bill requiring minors to obtain the consent of a parent before
receivi ng contraception?

Current Missouri law mandates that minors obtain the consent of a parent before choosing abortion. If a minor cannot obtain parental consent, she must obtain a "judicial bypass" where by a judge allows the minor to choose abortion if she is sufficiently mature. Judicial bypass predures are not a rcalistic alternavve for some young women; moreover, our research reveals that the entire bypass process in Missouri is broken. Missouri law also imposes civil liability on adults who help minor obtain abortions outside of Missouri. These laws endanger the young women who-for god reason---choose not to involve a parent in their decision to have an abortion. the government cannot mandate healthy family communication where it does not already exist

16. Do you support the current law that bans minors from choosing abortion unless they
Have obtained parental consent or an onerous judicial bypass?

17. Do you suppoft the current law that imposes civil liability on anyone trying to help a
minor obtain an abortion outside of Missouri?

The  Missouri General Assembly has repeatedly enacted measures that subject abortion providers to more onerous regalations than other health care facilities. These measures are known as Targoted Retalation of Abortion providers (TRAP) laws. Future TRAP bills will likely subject physicians who perform abortions to malpractice liability for activity, speech, or procedures that are, in the physician's judgement, medically necessary,

18. vote against TRAP measures that subject physicians who perform aboftions ,,- -)
to disparate treatment, intefering with the physician's best medica! judgment?

19. Do you want the endorser.nent of NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Right to Life Questionnaire


Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy due to U.S. Supreme Court rulings. lt ls possible in coming years
to foresee a reversal of these anti life decisions. lf Roe versus Wade is reversed, abortion laws'most
likely will be determined by state legislatures, state courts, or by voter initiatives or referenda.
1. If Roe v. Wade is reversed, I would VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT abortion:

A) under all circumstances
B) except to save the mother's life
C) except in cases of rape or incest
D) none of the above


2. Would you VOTE FOR legislation that PROHIBITS state funding of agencies or
organizations that perform, Promote, or refer womm for abortions that are not a
medical emergency?
 No (depends)

3. Would you VOTE AGAINST state ratification of the fecleral Equal Rights Amendment,
when similar wording in state constitutions has resulted in requiring state funding of


4. Would you VOTE FOR legislation requiring abortion providers to inform patients of
scientific evidence that unborn children experience pain during abortion?


5' Would you VOTE FOR legislation that gives legal protection and recourse to a woman
who is coerced into having an abortion against her will, even if by a parent ot guardian?


Abortion _ advocates are pressuring states and health care professionats to distribute abortion-causing
drugs. This is evident in the debate over the so-called "morning after pill", which has the chemical abilit!
to cause the death of a new human embryo. These drugs are often referred to as ,,emergency
contraception," although they can end life AFTER conception has occurred.

There is an effort to provide these chemical abortifacients through the internet and on line, so-called tele-
med abortions.

Despite objections from medical professionals, employers, and trade groups, some officiats are fbrcing
pharmacists and others to violate their own ethical views on abortion by requiring them to prescrib;
abortion-causing drugs.
6. Would you VOTE FOR legislation to ban so-called tele-med abortions?


7. Would you VOTE FOR legislation protecting health-care professionals who refuse to
prescribe or dispense drugs that cause abortion suicide, or other destruction of life from
discrimination or legal liability (that is, a "conscience clause")?



Human cloning is currently legal in Missourir guaranteed in the state constitution by Amendment 2 of
2006. The most common cloning technique in animals is "Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer" or SCNT.
Some researchers plan to use SCNT to clone human beings in order to harvest Embryonic Stem Cells
(ESC's). Harvesting embryonic stem cells destroys a living human being.

Legislators have undergone tremendous pressure from party leadership and outside forces to fund
embryonic stem cell research and cloning.

8) If the Missouri Constitution is amended to a1low restrictions human clones. I would VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT:

 A) All human cloning, both reproductive and therapeutic, including the method
known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, or SCNT
B)Only implanting a clonedl embryo into a womb (whether a uterus or an artificial
"womb") to grow beyond the embryonic stage of development, also known as
reproductive cloning
C)Neither of the above


9. A. Would you SUPPORT an amendment to the Missouri,Constitution that would either
forbid human cloning or woulcl allow the General Assembly to forbid human
cloning? (For the purpose of this question, "human cloning" inclucles cloning by the
method known as "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (SCNT).)


B. Would you OPPOSE such an amendment?

Please comment on your answer to questions 8&9
Science isn't unnatural, it makes nature observable. I am willing to gamble the lives of single celled organisms for the potential pay off of curing all diseases/ailments/injuries/disabilities

10. Would you VOTE AGAINST appropriations and other bills that offer public funding
or tax incentives (or both) that promote, encourage or accommodate human cloning
(SCNT) or destructive research on livinghu:nan embryos or fetuses?

11. Would you VOTE FOR legislation to PROHIBIT combining human genetic material
with animal genetic materials to create human / animal hybrids.

12. Would you SUPPORT an amendment to the Missouri Constitution that would allow
the General Assembly to refuse to provide state funds and state benefits (e.g., tax
credits) to firms and institutions that engage in human cloning?

Please comment on your answer to questions 10-12: 
I'm generally against using tax money for things like this but generally these appropriations are tied to things I would support


The Terri Schindler-schiavo case highlighted the confusing maze of laws concerning euthanasia and the
ethi^f of withholding food and water from disabled patients. Health care professi-onals, ethics boards
and facilities have loose guidelines to follow in many cases where laws are not specific.

If an incapacitated person has no recorded documentation of his or her wishes, he or she may be subject
to involuntary starvation and dehydration.

13. Would you VOTE FOR legislation prohibiting a health care piovider to purposely
assist in or hastery the death of a patient?
14, Would you VOTE FOR legislation prohibiti.g a health care provider to remove or
withhold ordinary means of sustaining life (food, water, sanitary, care) without a
patient's specific prior written directive (consent)?


I don't believe in burdening the state or families with the expense of maintaining a person without a chance of regaining any quality of life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Front Line Questionnaire

Please CIRCLE your answers according to the following keyn:
Part A: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D) or Strongly Disagree (SD)
Part B: Yes (Y), No (N), or Undecided (U)
Part C: Contains open-ended questions
I included this in case you are wondering why I don't write more comments in. I thought about adding comments but I think this shows how sometimes representatives have to agree with something they don't
like when it competes with another value. For example #8 is a dick question.

Part A:
1) The federal U.S. Constitution "enumerates" that the
federal government has only certain powers. All other
powers are left to the individual and the states.

2,\ Schools perform hest when controiled locally by parents,
teachers, and school boards; nor the state.

3)State/National standards/assessments cannot improve
Strongly Agree

4)Local, state, and federal governments should encourage
a strong nuclear family (mom and dad) by substantially
reducing taxes and regulation and by enabling faith-
based ogganizations to meet their needs, not government.
Strongly Disagree

Pensions of public employees (teachers, police, and
bureaucrats) should operate like private employee
pensions, e.g. only employees/employers monies
invested in 401K plans, etc. can provide retirement
funds (funded). Unlimited taxpayer supplied funds of a
mandated amount fixed for the life of the retiree cannot be used (unfunded mandates).
Strongly Disagree

6) Public employees cannot bargain for wages and
benefits with government agencies, because it is not the
government agencies money that is at stake; the money
belongs to the taxpayer who does not have a voice.

7) Local/state/federal governments cannot take your
property directly/indirectly unless fairly compensated
for and for a specific need for infrastrucrure, e.g.
highways, energy transmission, water, or sewers.
Strongly Agree

8) All life is sacred from conception to old age, regardless
of disability.

The federal government primary duty is to protect
its citizens from enemies within and foreign. Land
and space-based missile defense should be employed
rapidly like the Marshall Plan that was developed and
implemented after WW2

1O) Only the U.S. Constitution/state constitution can be
used in deciding a court case and in writing laws and
ordinances; not foreign laws or entities of the United

11) Government cannot force you to purchase any product
or do anything that violates your First Amendment
rights of exercising free speech or religion.

Part B:

Would you vote to:

1) Require that all voters have a photo identiry carci to vote?

2) Make schools accountable only to their taxpayers and
not to the state or federal governments? Remove all bans on religious expression
and observances in schools and public places?

4) Pass laws that promote individual responsibility and 
ownership of guns, including the return of teaching life
and gun safety in schools?

5) Require all gasoline to(es to be used 100% for road/

bridges repairs/replacement; not light rail, beautification,
and "green ways"?

6)Change all public pension funding to individual funded accounts and phase out taxpayer subsidized lifetime pensions?

What specific sources do you go to for information when
making a public policv decision?
I troll the internet.

What are your three all-time favorite books?
1 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
2 The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
3 Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

Why do you want to run for this particular office?
I'm not thrilled with how the state does business& my House district is small enough to really talk to every voter.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ProMo Questionnaire

1. Do you support or oppose adding sexual orientation and gender identity/expression to
Missouri's Human Rights Statute? This would prohibit discrimination in housing, employment
and access to public accommodations (The Missouri Nondiscrimination Act - MONA).
Support - If elected I will support MONA

2. Do you support or oppose legislation requiring that every school district in Missouri adopt a
policy to curb bullying based on enumerated categories including sexual orientation and gender
identity/expression (Safe Schools Act)?
Support (I would have checked the "if elected I will support the Safe Schools Act but my high school used it in a way it wasn't intended to be used)

3. Some states have extended all or nearly all of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples under state law( visitation, mutual responsibiliy for debt, inheritance rights, health insurance, and joint taxes). Do you support similar laws in Missouri?
I don't think anyone should be married by the government. Civil unions for all!

4. Do you support or oppose extending domestic partner benefits to state employees?
*I didn't put this on the form before I faxed it off but I don't like that married people have a benefit that single people don't get. A single state trooper should be able to make an elderly parent or a nephew as his/her beneficiary.

5. Do you support or oppose the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents to
have legal custody of their children?

6. Do you support or oppose sexual orientation or gender identity being making decisions about the 'fitness' of a parent in a factor for judges or custody or adoption?

7. Currently only two married people can jointly adopt, leaving children of lesbian, gay, bisexual
or transgender parents to have a legal relationship with only one parent. Do you support or
oppose making second-parent adoptions more accessible to two unmarried parents/guardians
in a committed relationship?

8. Do you support or oppose legislation that would ensure youth in the juvenile justice or foster
care system are protected from discrimination and bias harassment based on sexual orienTation
or gender'identity and expression?

9. PROMO believes that all Missourians should have access to a full range of family planning
services and reproductive options. Do you support or oppose access to family planning
services and programs?

10. Do you support or oppose teaching comprehensive sex education in public schools?

1 1. Please describe any involvement you have had with the LGBT community.
I probably interact with members of the LGBT community as much as I do the straight community