The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Front Line Questionnaire

Please CIRCLE your answers according to the following keyn:
Part A: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D) or Strongly Disagree (SD)
Part B: Yes (Y), No (N), or Undecided (U)
Part C: Contains open-ended questions
I included this in case you are wondering why I don't write more comments in. I thought about adding comments but I think this shows how sometimes representatives have to agree with something they don't
like when it competes with another value. For example #8 is a dick question.

Part A:
1) The federal U.S. Constitution "enumerates" that the
federal government has only certain powers. All other
powers are left to the individual and the states.

2,\ Schools perform hest when controiled locally by parents,
teachers, and school boards; nor the state.

3)State/National standards/assessments cannot improve
Strongly Agree

4)Local, state, and federal governments should encourage
a strong nuclear family (mom and dad) by substantially
reducing taxes and regulation and by enabling faith-
based ogganizations to meet their needs, not government.
Strongly Disagree

Pensions of public employees (teachers, police, and
bureaucrats) should operate like private employee
pensions, e.g. only employees/employers monies
invested in 401K plans, etc. can provide retirement
funds (funded). Unlimited taxpayer supplied funds of a
mandated amount fixed for the life of the retiree cannot be used (unfunded mandates).
Strongly Disagree

6) Public employees cannot bargain for wages and
benefits with government agencies, because it is not the
government agencies money that is at stake; the money
belongs to the taxpayer who does not have a voice.

7) Local/state/federal governments cannot take your
property directly/indirectly unless fairly compensated
for and for a specific need for infrastrucrure, e.g.
highways, energy transmission, water, or sewers.
Strongly Agree

8) All life is sacred from conception to old age, regardless
of disability.

The federal government primary duty is to protect
its citizens from enemies within and foreign. Land
and space-based missile defense should be employed
rapidly like the Marshall Plan that was developed and
implemented after WW2

1O) Only the U.S. Constitution/state constitution can be
used in deciding a court case and in writing laws and
ordinances; not foreign laws or entities of the United

11) Government cannot force you to purchase any product
or do anything that violates your First Amendment
rights of exercising free speech or religion.

Part B:

Would you vote to:

1) Require that all voters have a photo identiry carci to vote?

2) Make schools accountable only to their taxpayers and
not to the state or federal governments? Remove all bans on religious expression
and observances in schools and public places?

4) Pass laws that promote individual responsibility and 
ownership of guns, including the return of teaching life
and gun safety in schools?

5) Require all gasoline to(es to be used 100% for road/

bridges repairs/replacement; not light rail, beautification,
and "green ways"?

6)Change all public pension funding to individual funded accounts and phase out taxpayer subsidized lifetime pensions?

What specific sources do you go to for information when
making a public policv decision?
I troll the internet.

What are your three all-time favorite books?
1 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
2 The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
3 Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

Why do you want to run for this particular office?
I'm not thrilled with how the state does business& my House district is small enough to really talk to every voter.


  1. There are a few push poll questions here where they are trying to lead you to answer a question their way.
