The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Diet Change

I have spent the entire month of September eating only vegan foods that have not been above 108 degrees. Not hardcore vegan, I did eat some raw honey. And, okay, I didn't realize the pickles or banana peppers were essentially cooked when pickled until at least a week into the diet.
Now that the thirty days are about to be over I will reintroduce fire, cage free eggs and dairy to my diet. I may eat meat every great once in a while( maybe once or twice a year).
So what's the point of going pseudo-vegetarian and blogging about it? It's symbolic of moral compromise. When I watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, I was annoyed at the end when they told people to help by changing their light bulbs. It took me several years to realize it's better to ask people to meet people 1/4th the way when half way is too uncomfortable for them.
It really does add up to more when a lot of people go part of the way than when a few people go all out. Activist can't alienate people without becoming just some nut.
On a personal level it is better for me to be vegetarian lite now, than to keep entertaining he possibility of becoming a hard core vegan full time one day.
I'm atypical on this subject because I don't see anything wrong with eating adorable/delicious animals. Except pigs because they are so intelligent. But the reason I am trying to kick the habit is because of factory farming's cruelty to the animals we eat and environmental impact of eating meat .
Most of the animals we eat have terribly inefficient digestive systems. By overindulging in meat consumption we are wasting a lot of resources on raising them and creating a lot of methane (animal farts) in the process. By some estimates going even one day a week without eating meat has about the same impact as trading in your car for a hybrid. I can't afford a hybrid car and I have too many kids to take public transit everywhere (though I did that when I was single and living in the city).

Okay I can't stop staring at the clock so I can get that cheesy potato burrito when the month ends at midnight, so I think I'll just end it here...

Apparently, unlike the Potato Burrito that was recently taken off the menu at the restaurant across town, Taco Bell puts meat on theirs. Or should I say "meat"? Anyway I was half way through it before I realized and I don't believe in wasting food, so tomorrow I start over. again.

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