The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fox Kudos?

I'm not sure because I have only heard of it in legend, but I believe I saw an actual political debate. I know. And it was on Fox. I know right?
The thing about the Fox format that worked actually made my eyes roll in the beginning: a one minute response time to questions and thirty second rebuttal. Most debates don't go too much over that but it was just enough time to get to the essence of what each candidate had to say. I'll give the candidates some kudos as well because none of them really steam rolled through the time limit more than they had to.
The questions were also well crafted. The debate asked questions of the candidates that pitted them squarely against their competitors without any wiggle room. I like to think I have a gift for deciphering politician speak but it wasn't really needed here. I think anyone could watch this debate and walk away with an understanding of what every candidates world view. And not in a way that makes villains any of them. Except maybe Mitt Romney. They were a little rough on Mitt.

So which would I vote for? None of them. Not because I'm a Democrat, but simply because I'm not feeling it for any of them. I still like and respect Ron Paul. I've been following him since at least 2004 so maybe I'm just taking him for granted now. What excited me about Ron Paul is that he is a thoughtful man who really brings some different perspectives to the light. But he is an ideologue. He believes in governing through libertarian philosophy without exception. I respect that about him but it also seems a little unrealistic. We'll see though,

And finally for my lefty friends I thought I'd point out some highlights:

Newt attacks Fox for gotcha journalism.
This was really funny because it was an applause line for Newt. Like Fox News is part of the liberal media now or something. It was also kind of funny that the audience fell for it since it seemed to be nothing more than a dodge of what sounded to me like a flip flop on Libya.

Bachmann awol
It's kind of stupid but it plays into the 'crazy' reputation, on coming back from a commercial Michelle Bachmann was no where to be seen and the moderator actually pointed it out. It was funny at the time if you already don't like her but I guess it's not really that interesting as to what happened to her.

Mitt Romney got some tough questions that made him sound like some kind of radical centerist. What amuses me about it is that Romney was asked what the difference between his healthcare plan as governor and Obamacare and he said it was a violation of states rights to set that bill on every state. What makes Romney full of crap is that the bill has been amended to allow states to opt out if they can provide an alternative plan that is as effective or better than Obama care.

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