The blog combining two passions most people could give a rat's ass about.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mutant Housecats

Continuing my Fanfic of Rifts. In the game the post-apocalyptic Nazi-like group known as The Coalition have more than mutant dogs at their beckoning. The mutant cats and their armor were first debuted in Rifts Worldbook 13: Lonestar. What I've done is create stats for various breeds of housecats (The guy with the horns was designed by Ramon Perez Jr.)

Battle Cat Breeds
While researching Archeo-genomics Wendell discovered to her surprise that, like dogs, there was once a great variety of domestic cats. At the time of this discovery Lonestar had developed Battlecats from the genetic average of domestic cats as well as their larger and more feral cousins (tigers, lions, etc). Cat pedigrees were largely lost in the cataclysm because they were too clever for their own good. Cats are much more adept at escaping and breeding with another breed than dogs are. Cat breeds are also more difficult to identify by non-experts as many cat breeds come in a large variety of colors and the differences between the breeds are less dramatic.
The discovery of different breeds has had a significant effect on the deployment of Battlecats. Many of the discovered breeds are more doglike and easier/more willing to train. Other breeds have skill sets that enable Battlecats to be trained in military specialties previously reserved for Dogboys. Some Turkish Van Battlecats have been accepted into the Sea Dog training program. Domestic cats have a long history with seafarers because of their superior balance and rat catching prowess. While not as disciplined as their Dog Boy counterparts these Battle cats are excellent for night operations at sea.
Once the concept of cat breeds was in Wendell’s head the hard part was locating them, many breeds being extinct. A few of the breeds were created through genetic archives and/or selective breeding at Lone Star, others were found with private breeders or having found niche environments where they thrived without losing breed specific traits. The Kurilian Bobtail was an example of the latter. Though they were not an American breed these cats were imported from an island north of Japan before the golden age of science. After the cataclysm their pack hunting techniques allowed them to prey upon a wide variety of North American wildlife both on land and in streams.

01-05 Turkish Van
Less affectionate than other domestic breeds, +20% to swimming +1 strength
06-10 Khao Manee
+2d6 ISP +1D6 M.E. one additional sensitive +12% Sense Psychic and Magic Energy and Sense Supernatural Beings
11-15 Serengeti Cat
Jump 16ft
16-20 Sphinx
Hairless. +1D4 I.Q. High metabolism/body temperature +2 save versus disease
21-25 American Bobtail
Doglike personalities,Natural Escape Artist (65%), loves to travel, has Empathy in addition to starting psychic abilities.
26-30 American Curls
Kitten like personality P.B. +1d4
31-35 Siamese breeds
Very talkative +1 P.B. +1 I.Q. +1 M.A.
36-40 Somali
+2 I.Q. +2 P.P.
41-45 Kurilian Bobtail
Works in groups better than other breeds, M.A. +1, Difficult to breed (only have one litter a year), +5% hunting & Prowling +10% swimming +2 to strike  
46-50 California Spangle
Bred to resemble wild cats but actually very affectionate. +1D6 M.A. +1 P.P.
51-55 Devon Rex
Highly mischievous one time bonus of +15% to all espionage skills
56-60 Boxer Cat or American Polydactyl
Extra digits on hands and toes +20% to hold on to surface, +1 grapple, +1d6 claw attacks
61-65 Maine Coon
Large long hair cats (see mutation table), +1 P.S., +1 P.E., +12% Swimming, Speed is unaffected by snow, 25% also have Boxer cat modifications
66-70 American Shorthair
All have “rat catcher” mutation, +5% swimming
71-75 Norwegian Forest Cats
Resistant to cold (half damage)
76-80 Siberian
Large long hair cats (see mutation table), +1 P.S., +1 P.E., +5% physical skills where applicable
81-85 Egyptian Mau
+2D6 SPD +1 P.P. +1 initiative. +1 I.Q. Hate the cold
86-90 Himalayan
Large long hair cats (see mutation table) -8% smell  +3 P.B. +1D4 M.E.
91-95 Rag Doll
Large friendly cats +1D4 P.B. +1P.E. 5% deaf in one ear 25% gain Death Trance as an additional psychic ability
96-00 Savannah
Large Semi-domestic breed +7% to physical skills where applicable,  +1 P.S., +1 P.P., +1 P.E., Jump 16 ft vertically

Monday, December 10, 2012

Amazingly well done Spider-man movie

I love Amazing Spider-Man because of the changes. The creators of the film took what had always been there and refined it into a stronger version of the Marvel comics mythology.
Now some dorks who do not care for this movie because of the "flaws" might think I just don't know Spider-man like they do. Spidey has always been one of my favorite colors (when I was two I thought my amateur gymnast dad was Spider-man) but I became a regular reader when in the 6th grade I got a subscription to Amazing Spider-man from my grandmother (we were selling magazine subscriptions to raise money for the school). The first issue was the Shocker story prior to Carnage's first arc and I kept the subscription up until John Byrne took over and relaunched the series. Soon after I switched to Ultimate Spider-man.
Now that we got that out of the way let me explain why I threw the quotes around "flaws". When I watch a movie I judge it on how it stands as a film. I don't want to watch a bad movie whether it's about something I love or not. For example I think Hellboy is a great character and I've read most of the comics (maybe all if you don't count the spin offs), but I think the movie's suck. The hokey flick made me think Hellboy was a demonic cat lady (60 year old virgin). Spider-man doesn't fair much better with his cinematic track record up until the most recent film.
My understanding was that everything good about the first movie was removed. I had read that the original script dealt a lot to do with the roles of parents. This is an incredible angle on the character and supporting cast that was probably erased because film producers are sexists that think women can not relate to anything on screen other than romance.
I'm bringing this up because it ties into the new Spider-man movie. In the comics Flash Thompson's father put too much pressure on him to be the best athlete, Harry's dad pushed him to be the smartest (more like Peter), MJ's father was abusive and Peter was orphaned twice. That is material there for a good movie even without a miraculous spider bite.
I love when a filmmaker can take something that was always there and emboss it. I've read the comic, a literal translation isn't exciting to me. Everything they changed in Amazing Spider-man was for the better for example (spoilers begin here):

No Crusher Hogan: In the comics (as well as the Tobey Maguire film) Spider-man started out as a wrestler. I understand why Stan Lee did this in the original comic. It was to explain why a teenager would happen to have a spider costume.
But the movie did one better by taking this out of the story. Making the thief that kills Uncle Ben a random petty thief makes the world the story is set in seem more believable. Which reminds me...

Spider-man is a New Yorker: When I saw the first trailer and heard Spidey talk I was so excited because Spider-man sounded like he was from New York. He was no longer just some guy in a mask he was from somewhere.

Richard Parker Isn't a Spy: In many of the comics Peter Parker's parents were revealed to have died as spies. In the newer revised origin comics (AKA Ultimate Spider-man) his parents were scientist who died in a plane crash. The movie origin ties both of these together by depicting the Parker's as the subject of a corporate conspiracy of some sort.

Spider-man Wasn't Bitten By a Random Spider: My one worry about this film was that they were retelling the origin story. I've had a theory for a while that super heroes don't even need origin stories, that audiences will just accept that someone in a movie can have powers. The reason not to bother is if the origin gets in the way of the movie. But in Amazing Spider-man the origin forwards the story. Everything they show of Peter's past and origin moves the plot forward or adds depth to the character. Nothing takes me out of a movie more than questioning why the character is doing what they are doing. I don't remember doing that at all in this film.

Spider-man is more petty than Peter Parker: The most forced moments in the previous depictions of Spidey (including the comics) is when the writer makes Peter acts petty. In the movie Peter sticks up for others before he has any power at a cost to himself even. Spider-man is the one fighting crime for his own reason. He's not putting the good of others ahead of his own as was pointed out by...

Captain Stacy: It is great to have a character tell us why super heroes are kinda bullshit. I love super heroes but they belong in fantasy because they don't really make any sense in the real world. The example I always think of is Captain America beating up drug dealers. Is he going to beat up the guy selling weed? What about if the dealer is selling to kids? Would he also beat up a store clerk for selling to kids? Spider-man I could see beating up a drug dealer. He's a kid. He hasn't thought all of this through. An adult has thought about it. Police bust these criminals because they care about the law (or at least they are paid to care about the law). Captain America is a strategic genius. His talents are wasted on drug dealers (besides he basically took roids to become a superhero).
Captain Stacy gives us a perspective on where Spider-man fits into the order of things and advances the character by making Peter think about his motivations. He's more than the girlfriend's father who is also his advasary..

Gwen Stacy: I can't say a lot about Gwen Stacy but she does prove that the love interest doesn't have to be shoehorned into the plot. One of the things that ruins movies is introducing characters that were not needed. In superhero movies that character is usually the love interest. If she is needed it's as bait. Amazing Spider-man didn't treat Gwen this way.

The reason Gwen is treated so well in this movie is because this movie doesn't expect the audience to be stupid or shallow at any point. A good super hero movie is like any other story told in any media. It takes the best elements from what inspired it and forgets everything less than the best...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pink Washing...

I recently watched an excellent documentary called "Pink Ribbon Inc." which really raised a lot of questions about just how a pink ribbon can 'save the ta-tas'.
When I was in art school it was quite before we had the kind of nude models you always see in the movies and such. It wasn't until my second semester that we had any women that were not grandmothers. One of the women (who I believe was named Barbara) was posing in a cave set (I still have the drawing). When I got to the part where I was drawing her breasts I noticed I couldn't get them right. Then I realized that one of here breasts was significantly less massive than the other and had scars on it.
At that moment I became more aware of breast cancer. Around the same time one of my aunts had found a lump and was told she might have to remove something the size of a golf ball from her and she said something like "you can't take something that big from these little breasts" (my grandma told me the story so she might have actually said titties or something). And I realized how much more devastating it must be for women who don't have bosoms to spare like Barbara did.
I'd probably seen Barbara naked three of four times before (and by time I mean 3 hour sessions four days a week) and didn't put it together.
Now all this awareness of mine didn't do anything to move us closer to curing breast cancer. With all the money being put into breast cancer awareness we have to ask: just what are we aware of? Okay we know it exists. Do we know how to prevent it? Do we know what causes it? Do we know how to cure it?

The answer my answer is "not as well as we know how to organize marathons for it and raise corporate profits"

My knowledge of this issue is not much but my bullshit detector is going off for the following reasons:

-Research is biased towards the companies funding it. Putting a corporate faces on breast cancer could be influencing the research. Pink Ribbon Inc (you can stream it on Netflix) presents the argument that it is.

-"awareness" seems to be an out dated goal "education" and "research" seem more relevant  Saying we need to increase breast cancer awareness seems odd to me.

-Breast Cancer foundations don't seem to care what companies participate. This bothers me for the same reason it bothers me to let cigarette companies make their own anti-smoking ads.

-There are companies who own the patents on different varieties of cancer cells. Which means that only they can run tests on it because it is somehow their intellectual property. If breast cancer awareness were effective this would be common knowledge. It isn't though it is in the courts right now.

-Yoplait's mail in tops seems to be doing more good for the post office than it is for breast cancer.

- Ty Burrell stars in a commercial that boasts that Mastercard will donate every time you make a purchase making you a real hero in the fight against breast cancer. The fine print says it is $.01 on every purchase over ten dollars. This commercial is in heavy rotation on Hulu so from my non tv watching point of view it appears to be their main marketing strategy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mutant Dalmatians

Continuing my series of Fanfic for Rifts RPG a new breed of mutant dog soldier

Dalmatians AKA Hellhounds
Dalmatian Dog Boys were originally given the name Hellhounds because of how surprisingly vicious they are. Before the cataclysm the breed was widely popular because of their decorative spots. Many people gave away the fully grown dogs because they were not the friendly family pets depicted in the popular media of the time.
While the name is often used to describe all Dalmatians, officially, the moniker is used for the 25% of Dalmatians with an affinity with fire.
Wendell’s team has found references to the relationship between pre-cataclysm firemen and the breed but they are unsure of it’s nature. Were the animals connected with the element all along or did they develop some sort of rapport after generations of being raised in firehouses? If it is the later, she can not understand why the breed was chosen in the first place (As clever as she is it hasn’t occurred to her that the tradition was started before firetrucks).  
Hellhounds have been received with mixed reviews because more of them are expected to go feral or turn on the Coalition by some trainers. The dalmatians with an affinity to fire lack the ability to sense evil that other Dog Boys have. Others find that paranoid logic and see the good far out weighing the occasional turncoat.
Hellhounds are very effective as part of fire fighting brigades. They are also useful for burning enemy crops and fighting enemies with fire/plasma attacks without the burden of providing additional equipment.

Breed Characteristics
P.E. +1d6 P.B. +1
25% of dalmatians receive Pyrokinesis and Impervious to Fire instead of the psychic abilities normally available to Dog Boys.
All dalmation dog boys have the potential to become bursters as they mature (instead of leveling up as Dog Boys). +10% to all Burster abilities if they do.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Mutant Pugs

Here's the section to my Palladium Books practice writing. One of the iconic creatures of Rifts is the dog boy there various breeds of dogs are available in the game. This is the first of many additions I'll be adding to the list of humanoid dog breeds

This charismatic breed almost useless as a military asset but have been great diplomatic tools. Mostly as giving the unaltered animals away as part of gift baskets during important negotiations. These dogs survived the Cataclysm because of their sheer number of them because of their popularity as pets, especially by the wealthy. Pugs have become the ultimate status symbol in post-rifts earth, because owning one is seen as openly mocking the “rifraf” that have to fight to survive. Offering a comeback to this insult is the Coalition ambassador, because they are the only ones with Pug Dog Boys.
Mutant pugs are very effective at coaxing people into giving up information they did not mean to divulge. The reason they are so effective is because pugs are genuinely agreeable which flatters people into forgetting where the pugs loyalty lies. Intelligence gathering has been reduced to diplomats finding an excuse to leave the room without their Pugboy attendant and later ask them what was discussed.
This strategy has only really failed once. The Coalition was seeking to develop a relationship with a group of arms dealers that specialized in modernizing pre-goldenage vehicles. For some inexplicable reason the mere presence of the Ambassador’s pug aid through the leader of the organization into a murderous rage.

Breed Characteristics
I.Q. -2 M.A. +2D4 P.B. +2 -30% to intimidate -20% to all scent related skills
After extended periods in warm conditions (above 80 degrees) Pugs must make a save of 14 or suffer heat stroke.
Pugs are also susceptible to having their eyes pop out from pressure to the neck (such as being choked by an irate arms dealer). If the eye is not immediately put back in it can be lost forever. Attackers who are surprised by this outcome must make a save 12 (+1 per 20% of pugs charm/impress) vs pity/mercy. Failing the save immediately drains all anger from the attacker and often leads to mild guilt/shame.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rifts Fanfic

I've been obsessing over Rifts, an old tabletop RPG I played mostly in middle school. Here's a sketch I did during the Vice Presidential debate. It's part of a practice manuscript so I can get down the writing style before submitting to Rifts publisher.
Lone Star: Archeo-genomics project
Desmond Bradford has been bored with Dogboys for some time. He has moved onto bigger and better things. He gave little thought to approving, lowly but talented, Jean Wendell’s archeo-genomics proposal. He now feels he will come to regret his decision.
The archeo-genomics project revisits past accomplishments of the Lone Star complex and attempts to improve their viability. Primarily the team will be looking on new and better ways to use the Dog Boys and the process of ‘evolving’ various dog breeds. This prospect was very appealing to the bean counters in Chi-Town because it sounds inexpensive- which it is.
The name archeo-genomics is in reference to the part of the project focused on re-discovering lost breeds of domesticated dogs. Wendell discovered that pre-rifts there were many more dogs than anyone in Lone Star had previously. During the Cataclysm many breeds didn't have the survival skills to live on their own without civilization to help their gene’s carry on. While other breeds intermingled into a hardy ‘generic’ breed not too different than the Australian Dingo.
Some of the lost breeds continue to this day by finding niche environments while others continue on through hobbyist breeders.
In most cases Dr. Wendell’s team must search through pre-rifts material to find out specific traits of other breeds of dogs and use genetic engineering and even good old fashioned selective breeding to create an animal as close to breed standard as possible. Often they can check their work with broken chained samples of DNA in their files.
Wendell’s team has thus far been a boon to Bradford who gets credit for most of their accomplishments by those who count. She has redeemed several projects which were previously considered a waste of investment and she has lowered the cost of many types of operations.
What Bradford is concerned with is the fact that there is now someone who has the potential to be groomed into his replacement if any of his unsanctioned projects get discovered. On the other hand Dr. Wendell’s team is highly productive- so much so that they actually make it less obvious that Bradford is pouring most of his resources into projects on the lower floors of the Lone Star complex.

Psi-hounds AKA Psi-Calvary AKA Horsehounds
Prosek’s favorite of archeo-genomics accomplishment is the Psi-Calvary. Not only has it been useful in the ongoing attempts of the Coalition to tame the wilderness but also as a propaganda piece. These animals serve in contrast as evidence that Dog Boys are simply intelligent animals who walk on two legs. Anyone looking at Psi-Calvary can see they could be merely fancy giant dogs. Spending time with them makes it much easier to accept that Dog Boys are more advanced but basically the same.

The Psi-Calvary are actually an intermediate step in genetic engineering between common dogs and Dog Boys. This stage of the process was created before the idea of Dog Boys was fully conceived. The idea of using the natural abilities of dogs to sense the supernatural was there, but the idea was to use large semi-intelligent dogs in the manner of a fox hunt. 
Dr. Wendell came up with the idea of reissuing these creatures to solve the problem of transportation in the New West. Commanders were complaining that there were no practical vehicles for patrols along the western front. They are either too loud, cumbersome, or expensive for the Ops they’ve been running in the region. 
Wendell’s solution was a popular one. Psi-Calvary are popular mounts for lone wilderness scouts and death squads. These soldiers are notoriously anti-social and much prefer the company of these intelligent beast to that of their Dog Boy kin that annoy them in the way that other humans who are needy and seeking their approval annoy them.

(see image)
Primarily as riding mounts. Occationally a Horsehound is put into a Dog Pack to carry heavy equipment and/or supplies

Natural Abilities
Psi-Calvary have all the natural abilities of Dog Boys.

I.Q. 2D6 (High animal intelligence) M.E. 3D6 M.A. 3D6 P.S. 3D6 +12 PP 3D6 P.E. 3D6+20 P.B. 2D6+5 S.P.D. 3D6 +15

Psi-Calvary receive the same bonus for breeds as other Psi-hounds. The default size is about that of a horse. Smaller dog breeds being pony sized while larger dog breeds are closer to Clydesdales.

Tracking (+15%)
Prowl (+7%)
Climb (-10%)
Sense of Balance (-20%)
Swimming (+5%)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crawlers Milestone

Instead of continuing to sandwich sporatic blog posts with Crawlers pages I've decided to just start posting the most recent pages here again (hopefully on time). If you've been exclusively following the comic through this blog you will be surprised to learn that page 200 was just posted

You have some catching up to do (since I never even posted 169). Chapter 5 is going to change things up quite a bit.

The watercolor above is a study I did for an Art Challenge but never posted it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Renew Missouri Survey

Renew Missouri is an organization I found out about back when I was running against Billy Long for US Congress. They are advocates for renewable energy. They had a candidate survey, I filled it out, and they have posted it- true story.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ASUM Questionnaire

I haven't recieved much feedback on these questionnaires but the results of ASUM are in and I was graded at a B while Eric Burlison was given a C. I am somewhat surprised because my answer to their first question is potentially contriversial. 

The Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM) is a student lobbying organization funded and operated by students.  ASUM, founded in 1975 represents the interests of the 74,000+ University of Missouri students in the governmental process. The State Legislative Team is currently doing assessments of every legislative candidate running in the November 6th, 2012 Election The goal of the spreadsheet is to aid students in their decision on which candidates to support. The grades are only given based on the candidates’ opinions and actions on higher education related issues. ASUM is a non-partisan organization and no grades are given based on partisanship.
1. University of Missouri Funding: Legislators are asked to pass a budget yearly even with a difficult fiscal climate. Legislators are often forced to make budget cuts, including cuts to higher education. The University of Missouri has been facing enrollment increases at 35% since 2000 with operating budgets below fiscal year 2001. With budget shortfalls the students have to pick up the tab making higher education even more difficult for many to achieve. ASUM supports fully funding the University of Missouri based on the appropriation request from the University of Missouri Budget Office.

I have a degree in Illustration (two actually) but I would support cutting funding for art and literature programs from the state budget and redirect that funding towards things like engineering.
Obviously I don’t hate the arts. But I know if you stop funding the arts, they are not going anywhere. People are always going to create and seek out art. Having an art degree is rarely going to help you find a job (and it only marginally can improve your skills in an era where you can watch videos of your favorite artists teaching their techniques).
Still cutting the arts seems harsh right? (yes I talk that way) Not if you also consider the fact that having more engineers will create more demand for artists. Engineers make things, artists make them pretty. That’s how it works.
Chuck Palahnuik once jokingly said that Journalism Degrees should come with welding certification because when he was a welder they all had Journalism Degrees. Artists should use public funds to get a trade to fall back on the first time instead of getting an Arts Degree and then going back to school again to get something useful.
Art School was a very fulfilling time of my life, which I really enjoyed, but a decade later I am still paying the loans back with little return on my investment (and I paid much more than the minimum until I started having kids).
Our State Assembly has been cutting programs for people who actually need them (like programs for the blind). I’m sure that there are ways to raise enough revenue to keep all these programs but I am a pragmatist and realize that the Republican majority are not going to budge unless we have something to give up as well.
If anyone is to suffer in this economy it should be artist because at least we can turn suffering into something.

2. Student Curator: The University of Missouri Board of Curators consists of 9 curators including an at-large curator. University students do not have a voice because only one student representative communicates their viewpoint in meetings, and that student does not have a vote. ASUM feels that students should be given a true voice on the Board of Curators because they are paying for the majority of the UM system’s budget and students from out of state have no representation. True representation cannot be achieved until a student has full voting rights. The Associated Students of the University of Missouri works to replace the at-large curator with a true student curator voicing the perspective of the student.

Absolutely. I don’t understand why there is really any resistance to students having a say. It sounds like a vote of no confidence in the student body.

3. Landlord/Tenant: Many University of Missouri students are tenants, and ASUM seeks to encourage respectful relationships between the landlord and tenant. ASUM has taken a stand on students being taken advantage of by landlords who wrongfully withhold their security deposits. The last couple of years, ASUM has supported legislation that requires landlords with 20 units of more to put security deposits in a separate account from their own, co-mingling of personal funds and security deposits would be avoided.
I support that. Landlords are taking that money with the pretense of using it to cover damages from the tenant, not an extra couple hundred bucks for the they-why-not of it. A separate account makes it less tempting to spend that money and makes them more accountable.

4. STEM: STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics initiatives. STEM goals include increasing enrollment in STEM related education programs and increasing the quality of that education. ASUM supports legislation that aids these students in gaining internships and a separate STEM fund that is available for after school programs, scholarships, and teacher education. STEM requires special attention because taxpayer investment technology and STEM education has indirectly produced more than half of the nation’s economic growth, 91% of U.S. STEM jobs will require some college or better by 2018.

Because of our high standard of living America needs to be an innovator society because manufacturing is going to be cheaper overseas. Mass production cannot be done here the way it once was. Most products made in America will be custom, digital, or high end products.
Missouri has to get ahead of the curve because we are competing with every other state that also comes to this realization and legislates towards the reality of global markets.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Confronted with God

I thought this was worthy of repost here...

Q: If God were standing in front of you, what would you say or do?
A: rethink the atheism thing... then start hoping for some biblical superpowers. I'd even take walking on water as long as I can turn it off. It would suck not to be able to take a bath anymore.

That may be slightly snarky but that is about the extent of it. I put a lot of effort into doing as little harm to my fellow human beings as possible. If there sudden was a god I wouldn't be sweating it too much.

PR webcartoonist wins primary


Springfield MO- In last Tuesday's Democratic primary for the 133rd seat of the Missouri House of Representatives webcartoonist Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf defeated Richard Buchli, a teacher political science at a local college. Southwest Missouri is notoriously a conservative area but Ladendorf has been counting on his chosen media to bring in some of the 75% of the voters who normally don't bother with the polls."I've been going door to door during the drought talking to people and handing out my fliers." Ladendorf said referring to the post card sized comic of the candidate calling on the people to take responsibility for their government.
On the reverse side of the card is a series of policy statements accompanied by illustrations and asks voters to support the campaign if they agree. "Scott McCloud has said it's easier to read a comic than it is not to." Ladendorf Explains "The trick is to pull them in before they throw it away and forget about it."
Presentation alone isn't what makes Ladendorf pull in potential voters. Ladendorf puts gay rights, legalizing marijuana, and pit bull bans at the center of his campaign. Taking on these issues is a bold statement in such a historically Republican district, especially considering he willing to stand on these policies at the voters front porch (often spending 45 minutes or more discussing his views with a single voter).
More information about Ladendorf's policies can be found at

This is the second time Ladendorf has run for political office, though he now describes his campaign for US House as 'mostly performance art' and 'an excuse to make comics about policy'. Those comics are still available to read at

He is also currently still updating is table top roleplaying game inspired series Crawlers

Friday, August 10, 2012

Primary Victory

It's time to dust off the blog again. I need to take it a lot less seriously. Use it more like a journal. And stop half writing articles then putting them to the side unfinished.
This'll mean more gaffes and such but I just need to start putting words on the page. Maybe I'll even implement a word limit. because part of the problem before was that every essay would grow and grow on me and halfway through would feel like something I wrote before. Then I'd spend twenty minutes seeing if that's the case and then I'd check my facebook- eventually I'd just loose interest.

The reason for all of this of course is that I won my primary victory against Richard Buchli. This means a lot of things but primarily that I have a lot of work to do. My new opponent had three times as many votes as Mr. Buchli and I combined.

This is in part because so many Democrats voted on the other ticket to influence the Senatorial race. One Dem told me he had to wash his hands afterward, but I guess he really didn't want Steelman in there.

But even if there were a couple thousand Dems out there that will be voting for me in November it is a slight blow to my ego because I was really hoping to get out the 75% of the voters who were not expected to vote . 
I suppose it is possible that majority of the regular Dem voters showed up for Buchli but pulling in a couple hundred new voters swayed things into my favor- but that is an unlikely scenario.

Even if that is the case I will need to get all the Dem voters and pull in an unusual amount of independents and non voters.

The plan hasn't really changed but now I can see how steep the challenge will be.

Still processing. More to come...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Club For Growth Questionnaire

I had a call earlier today from The Club for Growth to remind me this was due today (it wasn't the deadline on the forms). I put a bunch of these aside for some reason when I got one from GovWatch. The name sounded like something to get behind but I found out that they are a lobbyist resource and it began to bother me that they pretty much only asked me what my hobbies are.
I don't want to make it any easier on special interests than I have to. It turns out that The Club For Growth has ties to GovWatch, but their questions seem like things people might want to know so I decided to fill it out anyway and for the challenge I went for the deadline (sent it in with only a minute to spare so keep that in mind)

1) Explain your approach to economic growth and development:

Economic growth comes from small to midsized businesses because they are best at finding niche markets and are adding to their workforce instead of trying to figure out how to reduce it. Larger companies generally do not have room to grow without breakthroughs in technology or changes in regulations.  My approach to make sure that these smaller companies have a fair shot. For example franchises shouldn't be allowed to write off their franchise fee as an expense as if they do not benefit from that corporations national advertising campaigns and other benefits.

2.) If elected, would you support efforts by our government to regulate personal behavior by raising taxes on items such as alcohol, tobacco, salt, soft drinks, saturated fat etc.? Explain:

No and I don't support the prohibition of Marijuana either. I may, however, support taxes that counter a burden on society such as the healthcare cost from cigarettes. Some might argue that soft drinks cause a similar burden, but that is scewed by the fact that corn is subsidized. So the difference is that there is a more common sense fix to that problem. Stop subsidizing corn. My approach to

3.) If elected, do you pledge to not raise taxes? Yes or No


No. I don't make pledges. Well I have pledged not to kiss babies while campaigning and not to take pledges but that was to make a point about how immature and disingenuous I feel pledges have become.

4.)Do you believe tax credits/incentives to businesses are the correct approach to job development and economic growth? Explain:

No. A much better way to stimulate an industry with public funds is to be a patron of their products. For example if the Obama industry really wanted to support the solar industry the should have ordered a bunch of solar panels for government buildings. That way if the company failed we would at least have lower overhead on government facilities. Subsidies is just putting money in the slot machine.

5.) A proposal that would eliminate the Missouri state income tax and replace it with a broad based sales tax may be on the ballot in 2012. Do you support this proposal? What are your thoughts regarding the pros and cons?

I really wanted to like this model of taxation because I believe in a simplified tax system. My concerns are that consumption based taxes will shift more of a burden on low and middle class (aka the people who HAVE to spend a higher portion of their income to survive) and that our most heavily populated areas in Missouri are on the state line. Higher priced goods in Missouri will only encourage businesses to pop up on the other side of the line.

6.)How would you address significant tort and regulatory reform during your tenure?

I will seek to find a way to preserve the ability to address legitimate grievances and decrease the use of the courts as a way to harrass or rob others. For example if a doctor cuts off the wrong leg, they should be held accountable. If the doctor had a choice between two equally valid methods of treatment and bet wrong (or just didn't succeeed) then the suit should be thrown out. The problem politically with tort and regulatory reform the unwillingness to talk about common sense solutions instead of choosing a side. These are not simple topics and can not be solved with sweeping statements.

7.) Do you support Missouri becoming a Right to Work state? Why or why not?

No. Unions give workers a means to negotiate the value of their labor. I have some philosophical grievences with unions (more so when it comes to private companies than public sector) but Right to Work isn't the solution.

8.)What unique qualifications or experience do you have that makes you a unique leader?

I started out as a cartoonist making fun of politicians. I decided to run because I saw that it wasn't good enough to have a truth teller on the outside. As a cartoonist I have insight, which a lot of people have, but I also have the ability to figure out how to put into words what people are feeling or have on the tip of their tongues.

9.) If elected, what are your top three legislative priorities?

Create oversite/appropriations for tax credit programs (because it should be relatively easy to pass), lower the importance of political affiliation for electability, and create protections for civil liberties

10.) Please provide any additional information below or enclosed (campaign literature, online contact information, etc.):

My campaign website is (which also includes an old version of the site that takes on more issues and has a list of things I shouldn't admit to hating, like the show Big Bang Theory).

You might also want to check out my US policy page. I previously ran as a US House seat as a performance art piece and created a series of comics tackling policy

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Show-Me Disability Votes Questionnaire

No matter how well informed you think you are, there are always more things to learn. This is why I continue to work on these questionnaires though it is unlikely I will get their endorsement (I'm passed the deadline on some and others don't want to invest in a campaign against a ~$70K opponent).

What training, experience, and characteristics qualify, you for this position? 

I have this amazing ability to actually listen to information that contradicts my world view, use that information to inform, and even change how I view an issue. Politicians tend to speak in absolutes and I tend to see the world in shades of gray.
Being able to see the truth in what people you disagree with and the inaccuracies in the claims of your allies is a skill that needs to be introduced into our partisan political system.

Do you have any personal experience with a disability or an individual with a disability?

What comes to mind is one my closest friends in high school and my aunt (who lived with us for a time) had very severe epilepsy. Neither of them could work because of their conditions. Later my friend had brain surgery and last I heard is completely cured.

How would you propose to balance the state budget while ensuring individuals with
disabilities have access to needed services and resources that help them remain as
independent as possible?
My strategy is to prioritize spending cuts based on those who need it first. I was appalled when I learned the current Legislature cut support for the blind in favor of college funding.
If I was in office at that time I would have pressured (shamed if possible) the other members to crack down on corporate welfare and unaccountable tax credit programs to balance the budget before cutting services to people who rely on it.

Missouri Disability Vote Project strives to ensure that every individual with a disability
who is eligible to vote is actually able to vote come Election Day. However, individuals
with disabilities face threats with regards to voting due to inaccessible polling places and
proposed voter photo identification requirements. What is your'stance on Voter Photo
Identification legislation?
I'm against Voter ID requirements and other voter suppression tactics.

 How will you help to ensure polling places are ADA accessible?
I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I just assumed poling places are already accessible. I'd be willing to hear suggestions on how to make polling places more accessible. What popped into my head was trying to allow the option of going to another polling station that is more convenient but that could create more problems than it would solve.

Community Living
In what ways would you support community-based services for individuals with
disabilities as opposed to those options that segregate this population, such as nursing
homes and hab centers?
I wouldn't support any bills that would promote shifting towards segregating. My wife works for an ISL for low functioning people with autism and I would like to think it makes a difference in their life not being in a group home.

In many areas across Missouri there are a lack of public para-transit transportation
resources as well as a lack of affordable housing for seniors and individuals with
disabilities. If elected, what would your position be on resolving these issues?
When I graduated college I sold my car so I could afford to live in Chicago. I used public transportation nearly every day. I am an advocate for public transit but I see it as more of a municipal issue and haven't considered what state level advocacy could be done.
For para-transit and housing, in the current political climate and budget, I would mostly serve a defensive role in keeping funding cuts away from vital services. By focusing attention on corporate abuse of tax credit programs and subsides to private companies, conservative members can still brag about being fiscally superior while avoiding public shaming of going after those who actually need the help.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of unemployment or
underemployment is much higher for individuals with disabilities than those without a
disability. What do you propose could help this disparity?
With such high unemployment any hesitation to hire a particular person becomes amplified. This causes an exponential growth in the disparity felt by minorities, women, and people with disabilities. The best way to combat this unfortunate trend is to help employers focus on the individuals merits instead (often baseless) worries by giving the disadvantaged tools to help them cover the gap.
For example, some internet providers are considering the possibility of limiting bandwidth. Because the internet was created with tax payer funds and is the greatest vehicle of free speech we have, I am not of the opinion that they should be able to do this (though there may be a technical reason for this I haven't considered).
Protecting bandwidth will also have the benefit of protecting telecommuting for those who find commuting difficult or require modified computers that may not be available at the office.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Missouri Catholic Conference Survey

This Survey only had the options of agree, disagree, and no position. This puts me in some tough positions but if elected I will usually have to vote things up or down so I have decided not to answer the way I want to on this blog.  

1. People should have the right to refuse to pay for abortions, abortion drugs and other items they morally object to in their health insurance plans.

No Position

2. Health care providers should have the right to refuse to participate in conduct that violates their moral and religious convictions, such as performing abortions or distributing abortion drugs.


3. Churches should be able to sponsor soup kitchens and food pantries for immigrants without the government requiring them to check the legal status of those who come for assistance.


4. Missouri should repeal the death penalty.

No Position

5. State funding should continue for the Alternatives to Abortion (ATA) program.

No Position

6. State funds should not subsidize research that destroys human life at the earliest stage of development, such as embryonic stem cell research.

No Position

7. Tax deductions or credits should be available to K-12 school parents – public, private and religious – for the expenses incurred in educating their children.


8. The interest rate or fees on payday loans should be capped and other measures taken to protect borrowers from predatory lending.


9. State funds should continue to be available to provide in-home care to the indigent elderly.

No Position

10. Tax credits that promote charitable giving to food pantries, pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes should be enacted.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Teamsters Local 245 Political Action Fund Questionnaire

Another Questionnaire. This has been an education for me because I have never been in a union and have not really studied the issue. What's funny is I've been filling these out without any idea of what an endorsement really means. My name isn't just put on a list. Endorsement for many of these organizations means they are actually going to help you get into office.
I'm a longshot candidate so I doubt I'll be seeing any of these organizations expending their political muscle on me.

Missouri Teamsters are comprised of more than 40,000 active working men and women and their families in 14 locals unions across the state. We have over 25,oo retired members and their families. Our members work in areas of freight distribution,car-haul, heavy highway construction, wholesale and retail food distribution, small parcel and package delivery, brewery and soda manufacturing, school bus drivers, and many of Missouri's transportation industries. We are the men and women who drive your children to school, deliver fresh milk and bread to your grocers, carry your business' and family's packages with care,and keep your refreshments cold. Our members help make Missouri's employers-including Yellow Freight, Hiland Dairy, UPS, Ozarks Coca-Cola,Roadway, Wonder Bread, Associated Grocers, Saralee, Archimca, and Conco Ready-Mix- strong and profitable.
Please let our members know about you and your views on the following issues.

1.Please give a brief biographical summary of yourself.
I am a stay at home dad and webcartoonist. Most of my work experience has been in family owned print shops (mostly my own family)

2. Have you ever run for political office before? If so, please explain any political history. 
Yes, I ran for US House as a member of the Green Party.

3. Are you or have you ever been a member of Labor Union?

4. Do you want Teamster endorsement? If so, why?
Yes, I'd like to reach as many voters as possible.

5. If you receive Teamster endorsement, do you feel that it will help or hurt your chances of being elected?
It would help give my campaign visibility and credibility.

6. Explain why you are seeking this office.
I have a different take on politics so I think my voice will force a change in the reflexive bickering.

7. Do you plan to have your campaign literature printed in Union print shops?
Local small business is my priority (when I can afford it)

8. What other political endorsements have you received?
I'm relatively unknown

9. Are you active in any political party organizations?
Occasionally I go to meetings of local Democrat groups.

10. Do you support or oppose "Right-to-work" legislation which eliminates unions' right to a "closed shop"? Will you work actively to enforce your position?
I have mixed feelings because I would like owners to run their business as they see fit but until workers are given a negotiating mechanism other than unions I oppose.

11. Would you support legislation supporting the collective bargaining rights for any or all of Missouri's public employees? Which groups of employees should be allowed to enter into those agreements, in your opinion?
I support collective bargaining as a negotiating mechanism for workers.

12. Would you support or oppose legislation that provided for the collection of service fees from state employees?
I don't like the idea of forcing someone to pay dues so it would depend on specifics.

13.Would you vote for final and binding interest arbitration to settle disputes arising from contract/work agreement negotiations?
No. I don't trust the arbitration process.

14. Would you vote to arbrotrate, break or alter an agreement between a political entity and a union representing employees working for a political entity? This could include the state, your city, county, school board etc.
Contracts should be altered only with both parties agreeing.

15. What is your attitude toward comprehensive health care?
Hospitals are price gouging and insurance has stopped resisting. The current business model pits both sides against the consumer.

16. What is your opinion regarding union dues check off for public employees? (Chuck off refers to union dues being automatically deducted from payroll checks.)
I don't know why this option is under debate.

17. Would you support or oppose a state law or local ordinance prohibiting the hiring of permanent replacement workers who exercise their legal right to strike?
I support it. Though I am open to some form of control because the owner should have negotiating power as well.

18. What is your attitude toward minimum wage?
Necessary evil.

19. Would you support or oppose efforts to alter the Prevailing Wage Statutes that would impact the building trades unions? Possible legislation would include projects of a certain size, or in certain counties.
I am for them as long as they are reasonable. Someone shouldn't be paid a full salary if they are not working.

20. In regard towards workmen's compensation, will you work to overturn the changes in the Missouri Worker's Compensation law that was passed and signed into law in 2005? Would you support second opinions for workers injured on the job at a physician of the worker's choice?
I'll work to overturn anything that goes too far. Some sort of randomly selected doctor would be better than one biased to the worker.

21. Many Teamster members work in difficult and dangerous industries where repetive motion ofen leads to disabilities. For example, a UPS drive who lifs packages for years may develop a degenerative back disability. A warehouse worker or assembly line worker who, as part of work, repeatedly reaches and swipes could develop wrist or elbow related injuries. Often times a single accident did not cause the disability. Rather, it was incurred over time after years of service to a company.
Under legislation passed by the Missouri General Assembly, worker's compensation for degenerative back injuries, repetitive injuries and other injuries incurred ove the life of a job would be eleiminated. What is your position on legislation that would change the definition of accident or require an injury or occupational disease to be compensated only if an accident or occupational exposure was the dominant factor in causing the condition or disability? Do you believe injuries caused by repetitive motion should be covered under worker's compensation?
I would support legislation going forward but hesitant to holding employers responsible for damage accumulated before the bill is passed. Wording of the bill would have to be very carefully phrased.

22. In regards toward unemployment compensation, would you support increases based on annual COLA figures?

23. Benefit payments from the State's Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund are expected to exceed revenues, leading to the Fund's insolvency. If insolvency occurs, state officials will borrow money from the federal government to keep paying benefits. Which solution to this problem do you prefer: increase the burden on claimants and raise the standard for receiving unemployment benefits OR increase the unemployment tax on some or all employers?
The Republican House is never going to consider a tax increase. Split the difference or some other solution would be needed.

24.What is your attitude toward domestic content legislation (use or purchase of Missouri or American made goods over those of foreign competition)?
I think if our rights are being taken away at the airport over terrorism then all those crates from overseas should be charged to be inspected.

25.What is your attitude toward "right to know" legislation (the right of workers to be informed of any dangers or special procedures when handling chemicals, toxins, etc.)? 
Employees must know in order to ensure proper compensation (lets them know if the money is worth the risk),

26. Would you work with organized labor before proposing or supporting any tax package?
 I'll work with anyone willing to have an honest discussion.

27. Please describe any instances in the past where you've taken a proactive stance in support of organized labor or teamster issues.

28. In the realm of public/private partnership where tax subsidies, utility cost reductions, or other such employer subsidies are involved, would you support requirements for paid health care for workers, a good wage level, etc., before such subsidies are granted?
Yes I believe that if corporate welfare is unavoidable there should be a higher expectations of altruism and/or tax payer dividends.

29. Do you support or oppose so called "Paycheck Protection" legislation reuiring written permission from members before using Union or PAC Fund resources for political activities? Would you support or oppose this legislation if it included language limiting corporate contributions as well?
I could see a vote amongst members but this seems to be a ploy to hurt Democratic candidates.

30. PLA's are negotiated with building and construction trade unions and cover all contractors and their employees for the duration of the project. They are primarily used on large, private or public works projects since their costs are so great. Do you support or oppose Project Labor Agreements?
I have no problem with PLA's though I only have a surface understanding of how the work.

31. What would you do to help the Teamsters and organized labor grow in the State of Missouri? Examples would be active support in organizing campaigns, walking a picket line, legislative support, etc.
All of the above for big issues.

32. According to the Missouri Department of Economic Development, Missouri's Hispanic population grew by a staggering 92%? In the last 10 years. Some of these persons will obtain jobs in Missouri's Transportation industry.
Recently, legislation was introduced in the Missouri General Assembly that changed the definition of "state" to include a state of the United States and the District of Colombian, but excluded Puerto Ric, Mexico, and any province of Canada. Because Mexico and Canada are no longer included in the definition of "state", an international driver with a license revocation history in Mexico is not required to disclose such information to the State of Missouri.
What is your position on legislation to require all applicants for commercial drivers licenses regardless of nationality to have the same background checks and examinations as domestic drivers prior to receiving a Missouri CDL?
I am against giving employers incentives to hire non Missouri residents.

33. Because the United States does not have nationwide automated system for monitoring the safety history or violation records of Mexican companies and drivers, or a system to verify drivers' licenses or drug testing for drivers, it is difficult for Missouri law enforcement personel to obtain essential safety data on Mexican Drivers. In addition, Mexico does not have labeling  of hazardous or toxic cargo which poses a clear and present danger to the security of the State of Missouri if trucks transporting such cargo enter territory of the state without prior inspection at the border of the United States.
Do you support efforts by Teamsters at the state level to restrict trucks from Mexico and other foreign nations from entering the United States until there is full compliance by owners and drivers of those trucks with all U.S. highway safety, environmental, and drug enforcement laws?
Yes, though I don't care if people get high off the clock.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

AFSCME Council 72 People Questionnaire

Most of my employment history has been working in small print shops. So I don't have a lot of experience with unions and all my opinions are merely academic.


1. The ability to collectively bargain is enshrined in Missouri's Constitution. Please explain your support or opposition and legislation that protect workers' freedom to form unions and bargain with employers.
I support workers rights. I don't think collective bargaining is a perfect solution but it is the most fair solution I am aware of.

2. According to data from the U.S, Census Bureau, Missouri's public workers are ranked
50'h in terms salary, 34% below the national average. Please detail your support or
opposition to pursue policies and legislation thatwould ensure that Missouri works to
achieve parity with the private sector in terms of wages and benefits.
This is a balancing act. Missouri has an obligation to taxpayers to give them as much return as possible yet the state should be leading by example to other employers. We wouldn't have much of a middle class without desirable government jobs.

3. Privatization is increasingly discussed as a means to reduce government sending,
though it comes at the expense of drastically slashing vital services and eliminating
jobs when the Missouri economy can least afford it. Please explain your support or
opposition to privatization of public services provided by state, local and municipal
I am willing to hear out ideas for privatizing but I am often opposed to them because the General Assembly's support tends to have a correlation to political donations. I would be more open non-profit privatization, but I doubt that would get much traction in Jefferson City.

4. There are a number of valid avenues that the state of Missouri can take to enhance
state revenue. Please detail the approaches you think would be best, such as closing
the Geoffrey loophole, eliminating the outdated Timely Filing benefit, passing the
streamlined sales tax, or others.
The thing that seems to be easiest to fix is creating oversight for the abuse of tax credit programs that are currently immune to appropriations. I like the idea of closing the Geoffrey Loophole but it would be more difficult to implement than it would be for accountants to create a new loophole.

5.Currently in Missouri, under the National labor Relations Act, unions are required to provide the same representational benefits to members and non-members alike, without non-members paying any form of fair share dues. Please detail your support or opposition of Representational Fee policies or legislation.
I support people having a choice (at least with a private business) but oppose that choice allowing them to reap the benefits without any cost.

6. Currently in Missouri, workers are given opportunity to have union dues deducted directly from their paycheck upon their authorization. Unfortunately, there are those in our state who would prohibit unions from collecting dues in this fashion. Please explain your support or opposition to allowing workers the right choose how their wages are spent.
Support. But I don't understand why anyone would want to take that option away.

7. lf elected, what would be the first thing you would try to change in this state?
Creating oversight/appropriations for tax credit programs would (hopefully) have the most bipartisan support. Because Democrats are out numbered drastically I'd think that's the best way to go.

8. What is the most important job of a Missouri state legislator?
I think everyone wants a fair shot. As legislators we have to figure out how to do that. We have different ideas on how to go about that though.

9. Please detail your support or opposition to the idea of holding legislators to the same standards that state employees are already held to.
Sounds like poetic justice to me...


Opponent(s): Richard Buchli, Eric Burlison

How long have you lived in your district?
three years

Are you registered to vote at your current address? 

From what organizations have you received endorsements?
Still waiting...

How much time do you plan to spend campaigning?
Lots. I am doing all the design work and content of materials. Not to mention filling out lots of questionnaires

How much money will you need to raise to run a viable campaign for this office?
I would prefer a strong word of mouth campaign... that said the incumbent will likely raise over $70K.

How much have you raised to date?
Little over $200