Last night was the kick off of an interesting dynamic in our political landscape. Fox News hosted a Republican debate consisting entirely of second string candidates. In lieu of having any stars on stage, Fox even made the final round of questions about the candidates who haven't even decided they're running yet.
One must wonder with the first debate here, why aren't the big names in yet? Aren't they all planning on taunting Obama's ability to make decisions? Are they afraid if they come out too early that will create more "YouTube moments" than they want to handle?
At any rate I am glad they didn't show. Other than a little non-sense by Santorum in the beginning about Obama basically being a janitor while Republicans take a break from the white house- it was a fairly honest debate. If Trump or another undeclared were in it we would have heard less debate and more attempts at emotional manipulation. Oh Pawlenty tried but he's on the B-squad for a reason. He's about as good at it as the Democrats are.
Ron Paul
Dr. Paul did great. The guy has a very quick wit. Very genuine. I also believe that if you listen to him carefully he spells out the difference between what can be accomplished and what he hopes to accomplish. Paul is careful enough with his vision not to want to pull the rug out from people. He understands that his plans require everyone to be less dependent on government. I think there are some major flaws in what Paul wishes to accomplish but that middle ground sounds awfully good.
Herman Cain
When I lived in Chicago (okay Skokie) the Republicans ran Alan Keyes against Obama for Senate when their nominated candidate had a sex scandal (Jack Ryan or as you dorks know him Mr. 7 of 9). Seemed pretty cynical since Keyes wasn't even from Illinois. Then when Obama ran for president it made Keyes running look kind of crass. I'll admit when I first saw Cain part of my mind thought "not again". I know I shouldn't admit to any of this but it is more important to admit that people can be suspicious of black republicans. This guy seems to be a pretty typical generic Republican. Unfortunately he has something else working against him.
His name is Herman..
Tim Pawlenty
He's like a little boy wearing front-runner shoes.
Rick Santorum
If you caught the debate I actually liked his explanation of what he meant in his book about radical feminist making homemaking a less enviable job than raising children. I only disagree because we live in a culture where everyone is expected to be a rock star. Though he did alright last night I fully expect him to become a gaff machine in a few months- but even if he doesn't he will not be able to escape his "google problem". Go ahead and google his last name...
Gary Johnson
He did well. Seems a little boring other than that knowing eyebrow gesture when he admitted to smoking pot. But he needs to learn to play it cool like Ron Paul when it comes to media bias.